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Everything posted by Protestor

  1. The opportunity cost of the land is certainly a very valid thing to consider - but it doesn't make the costs of cleanup assignable to the new stadium.
  2. Because it'd have to be done in order to build there. It'd be far worse to not include it - that'd come across as trying to hide the real costs of the project. But it's not like they're asking the city/province to pay for that part of the stadium - it's a cost they're already on the hook for.
  3. I don't understand why people lump the cleanup cost into the cost of the CalgaryNEXT proposal. The cleanup needs to happen regardless, and it's the city's responsibility. So really we're just looking at the cost of the stadium itself + related amenities.
  4. I liked Jokipakka better than Bartkowski. I'm not saying we have a better choice right now, just that I don't think he's very good and I hope we find a replacement for him soon.
  5. He seems to be weak on both the puck and other players. Far too often I see him turn it over far too easily. But, like with all things of this variety, I figure the Flames' staff are far better at seeing this sort of thing than I am so if there's a problem they'll deal with it.
  6. I'm fairly happy with our D-core, except for Bartkowski. I hope we find a better replacement for him soon.
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