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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. While I agree with you DD, it's still something that can be improved for little increased cost. I don't understand why we rely on Ramo, Ortio and Gillies will be the answer to keep JMac. If that plan backfires we will be nowhere and desperate, why not improve on JMac now, if only just as an insurance policy? Who was the last NHL goalie we acquired from an NHL team? What, exactly, are we afraid of is my question? We suck at addressing goaltending the old-fashioned way is all I can think. Hopefully our new GM is asking those questions. There is never a sense of urgency, like goalies are a dime/dozen. Best goalie not in the NHL etc etc. Honestly, our goalies are still at the prospect stage, yet we act like it's not an issue.
  2. Dubnyk is a giant of a goalie, but it's still about playing the position. Being tall, his rebound control is in doubt, his side to side movement is suspect. Not to mention his 5 hole. I've gotta go with no on Dubnyk. He's been around long enough to prove he should stick. He hasn't done that.
  3. I'm really not one to bandy out stats because I think a lot of them have the eau du garbodge, but these one's look pretty noticeable: MacD : 11GP; 5-4-1; 0 SO; 2.9 GAA; .890 sav% based on a total of 264 shots. Greiss: 25GP; 10-8-5; 2 SO; 2.29 GAA; .920 s% based on a total of 626 shots. Montoya:28GP 13-8-3 2 SO; 2.30 GAA; .920 s% based on a total of 737 shots. I realize these 2 guys get a raise, but they were cheaper than MacD last year. We picked MacD on waivers, all of our prospects are via draft. Why do we never, ever, seem to want to go after NHL goalies? I'd really like to see how we treat the G position stray from the past since we no longer have Kipper.
  4. Isn't it worth upgrading the backup role though? We're an injury away from turmoil, I feel like we're living on the edge with JMac. I feel like Greiss or Montoya would be an upgrade with only a bit more $ for a 2 or 3 year deal. Of the 3 goalies last year, JMac found a way to finish 4th. Ramo's the starter. But an injury to him or Ortio will impact both our big club and/or AHL club, as it's plain to see Ortio is our #2 as far as starters go. Having a backup goalie that can clear waivers speaks volumes, no? Seems like an area we can upgrade cheap without going for the Miller's and Halak's.
  5. Then the problem becomes, "wow, Greiss was great". Now what? Is it outfitting Greiss, where does that leave Ortio, etc. Tough call. That's why I want our 2 best goalies on the big club. Prop up the A with an addition, if required, but not an addition in place of a capable goalie we likely already have as our 2nd best option. It'll wind up being like our LW, imho. Too many assets there...enough solutions to create confusion. Buy into what you've got. If that's a problem, address it. But not before it's a problem.
  6. The Scneider comparison, not quite what I was going for, just trying to throw it out there for discussion. Van's pretty wayward with goalie's, I don't hope for that. Skilled goalie to push our starter, and there just in case. Or Joey Mac is all I was thinking, who immediately gets leapt by Ortio should our starter falter or worse, is all I'm thinking.
  7. I can't argue that you might be right. I won't say Ortio should be the back up next year and can understand why you give him another year in the A. An alternative is to use him in a backup role with the big club, not 1A/1B. Ortio started the year in the ECHL, we saw pretty quickly he didn't belong there. He's been stellar in the A. It's a case of a goalie we underrated as a prospect perhaps, and he has proven himself this year to the point of making the JBo acquisition of Berra redundant. Ortio provided it to turn into a 2nd, yay. Unless we intend on resigning JoeyMac, we need a backup. I just don't understand this fear we have of making our best prospect goalie a backup on the big club. A backup isn't exactly time off because of little playing time. He still has to be sharp and ready every night, while seeing the stellar goalies in the bigs every night and how they do it. Give and take. Is there a regression component? Sure. But I believe it's a case by case assessment, not an ever-present alarm as it can seems be treated too often. His weaknesses are points worked on with the coaches, which looks to me like timing adjustments. Small is fine when you take away space properly. Kipper was small. Ortio is talented, just needs to stay aggressively at the top of his crease imo.
  8. I've enjoyed the very slow introduction of Ramo this year. I felt this should be an adjustment year rather than throwing him to the wolves. It seems like he's getting better and more comfortable. Perhaps next year we have Ramo and Ortio backing up. I get the "have to play Ortio in the A". But I feel it's time to advance him in a backup role and being around the big club. Let's face it, he made Berra redundant and his progression has been outstanding.
  9. Brossoit faced inferior competion. He has proven zero facing better competition. Where was he last year for the WJC? Cut.... We tend to glorify our prospects...
  10. I like all of your other points, but I'd consider picks/prospects for a goalie that is playing his way out of a backup role on a goalie-laden team. Our history with developing goalies makes me very gun-shy.
  11. We should be looking to solidify our G spot, errr, goalie spot. If Minny's tending were in Vancouver, we'd have a Schneider/Luongo predicament. Harding's gotta be realizing he's been 2nd fiddle long enough, and Minnesota can't hold him back beyond this year I wouldn't think. Not that we should race out and sell the farm, as Ramo is just entering into his chance to be our guy. It would be horrible business to not give Ramo a real good shot, as we undoubtedly had to make a guarantee of it for him to leave Russia. But we should keep an ear to the ground for tending just in case. I hope Ramo does well and we get to here analysts mutter over and over again about how they were wrong!
  12. I know I'll be pulling my goalie if it's that tight, does that count? :huh: But yeah, carry 3 goalies??
  13. You'd argue our forward ranks and prospect pool for forwards were anything a short time ago?
  14. Would have been nice to have drafted Maatta....along with Wotherspoon at least we'd have 2 young D-first Dmen.... Our forwards were in such disarray it needed focus, but it's been at the expense of D. With 30 minutes of JBo gone, it has certainly compounded the issue. It's difficult to fault any goalie currently, but having instability in net is definitely not helping the mess at D. No point pretending our dmen match the caliber and mix of most other teams.
  15. I firmly agree. Stats be damned, if you're winning...errr giving us a chance to win with this roster, that's all that matters at the end of the day. I don't get the, "ditch jmac" for the 1a and 1b. JMac is backup $$$, he's not fighting the starter spot. The team tends to play for him, like they never did for Kiprusoff, it's like a parallel universe. Enter Ramo, and the team really stepped up, like they never did for anyone else. It's Hartley's job, and I like the way he's rolled. Ramo's had the opportunity to observe and absorb the new league for a handful of games. As far as I'm concerned, that's ideal. JMac afforded him, and us, that.
  16. It would have been nice to hear we were at least in the equation when Bernier, Bishop etc were available. Feaster's unorthodox methods of trying to fill holes I hope are going to be squashed by Burke in the future. IMO, it does look like he hung his hat on Ramo to replace Kiprusoff. I do appreciate the 'glut' of prospect goalies, but unfortunately, I think Ramo is currently a prospect under an unprospect-like contract. Say what you like about JMac, but he deserves some credit for coming up with some late point-earning saves that you need your goalie to be able to do. Some have implied the Flames rolled in spite of him, and that isn't really true. A weak goal here and there is only relevent when it is why we lost. That hasn't happenened. You know he's helping when Hrudey laughs at him and says, "but he's making the saves".
  17. there's plenty of time for that kehatch. There is little point in it being a #1 priority to throw Ramo to the wolves. You've gotta be patient man, Ramo will get his chance. For now, while we are having success, it's beneficial to let Ramo watch the pace for a few games and work things out in practice with the goalie coaches. One thing that has always killed us in the past is zero patience. JMac is buying Ramo an extended training camp to adjust to a new league, hopefully it'll be a good thing. You're creating a controversy that shouldn't exist, it's a very long year, be patient!! The goalie coaching reports to Hartley and we have to give them some latitude, Ramo will get his chance, guaranteed.
  18. I'm in the "why play Ramo?" camp. Go with the hot hand, it's a long year. Don't treat 5 games as giving up on Ramo. That's silly. Mic's running with it, what kind of message are you sending him to change up now? Ramo gets some "watch" time. Win/Win situation. Roll with what's working until it doesn't.
  19. What? I meant the goalies the Flames didn't get...hence "the other guys"... Now that you're out of context, ummm... And I don't really hope for them to have bad years either...just in case.
  20. We only have to look north to see what goaltending does for a rebuild... I kinda wish management would get a little more desperate about it. While I agree about Gillies, it's not the position I want to see us slide at and pray a saviour is coming. Watching Lindback, Bishop and Bernier go elsewhere makes me scratch my head. I hate to mention it, but Bobrovsky near single-handedly put Columbus on the map. Who saw that coming? The move for Ramo, the subtler move for Berra, I don't know, it's all a little off the charts for me. Joey MacDonald picked up on waivers from Detroit for a "backup"... I don't know....it's weak. The position is dire, no foresight to Kipper leaving, outside of Feaster's love-in for Ramo. I hope the other guys I mentioned aren't good this year, because we were definitely in the market imho.
  21. I think we've got quite a bit to worry about, I'm not ready to say Ramo has emerged as the starter. I see more of a 1A and a 1B scenario emerging. MacDonald has looked more the 1 than Ramo, who I think needs to adjust a bit to how small the ice actually is by comparison, more plays develop faster is the constant change vs the K. Berra's holding the cards though, good goalie to have in the system compliments of JBo. And while saying we have quite a bit to worry about, I mean in the here and now. I think our stable is looking better than ever at the position.
  22. I realize you're right on the "sent up" part. I think everyone was handing the AHL starter to Irving last year though, and look at what happened. Ortio gets his starts when he shows the coaches that his fundamentals are sound and his mechanics are sharp. The paradox has many sides. When guys don't make it and come back strong elsewhere, it isn't always a "Flames failed". I'll give that occasions arise when coaching missed something, but it is on the player too, and I think many times it comes down to a drastic wake up call for some players, where they look in the mirror and see they can't slough off the advice anymore and they're career is in jeopardy. Some rise to the occasion, some don't. I'm not worried about Ortio vs other goalies, and hope he isn't either. He has NHL-quality tending coaches, and I'm certain they'll do what's right for each goalie based on skillsets they have and skillsets to work on. They'll go with the guy that gives them the best chance to win, if it's Ortio, good on him. If it's not, he has to work his butt off and prove he'll be that guy. All of the diatribe is "no free passes".
  23. That's good and well, but when you get sent down to the A, you have to show your salt or you won't play. Irving was an example of that. To protect a salary, that's a lot of people in the org you'll piss off along the way, and you'll get called on it. Burke is the POHO, I think playing agendas is over. I liked what I saw of Ortio, but doing it consistently has to happen for him, he has some proving to do, as do all of our 'tenders. To imply a contract will get in the way of what's best for the team, I'd go with no due to the addition of Burke. Joey MacDonald kind of makes me wanna cheer for him. "This is it Joey, Detroit waived you". I can get behind a guy for circumstance. If he doesn't play lights out here, I'm thinking NHL career on the outs. I find it intriguing, can MacDonald step up and be extremely valuable? As a starter I mean....
  24. Ortio's performance tonight was, gulp, holy crap. Good net coverage for the puck to hit him, but wow, the wide open slot slapshot. The post to post skate to skate. In case anyone's too shy to mention it, that wasn't a lucky performance. He was on every puck and every move, all game long. That was skill, not good fortune. I'm left with wow. He was scary good, even his rebound control was good with a very good Horvat annoying him. He owned this one, no denying that.
  25. I think it's fair to say Ramo is a wild-card, Kiprusoff wasn't near as much a wildcard. Smaller ice is one thing, but the talent level in the NHL is far greater than the KHL. Ramo is Feaster's baby, he's on a limb on this one because this has been his big plan to overcome the loss of Kipper, which has been coming down the pike long enough to make changes. His change is Ramo alone, as prospects are just that, and MacDonald couldn't hold a job in Detroit on a much better team. We'll find out soon if this dipping into the KHL has been a bad move all along, of course I sure hope it hasn't. I'm a little leery though.
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