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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Valerie Bure approves. My personal thoughts aside, the Flames listened to their fans and did a good job marketing this one. I feel their marketing team has become one of the better ones in the league lately. Not the best era of Flames hockey but involving players like Bure is cool.
  2. In thinking about this I think the reason I dislike it so much is it is associated with some really bad hockey.... So I could see myself coming around on this one.
  3. I'm still just not a fan of the horsehead but it's still a really sharp jersey and a nice change of pace
  4. Look like Blasty (the horsehead) is going to be officially back come Monday. The black, white C and the "98" reference would be strong giveaways
  5. in a heartbeat. Wouldn't even second guess it
  6. Agreed and it was a key reason, IMO, why Dallas won that series. Flames could not sustain any zone time so even if they got up the weren't able to defend by keeping the puck out of their zone. Why i'm so disappointed to hear Ward has no plans to change the philosophy. How they played in the playoffs is not how this team should be playing.
  7. That's not even a PP clip, it's 5 on 5. So much fun to watch. The Flames could execute this with most of their lines but they'd have to make adjustments. However, passed on everything Ward has said since he took over this is not a concept he would install. He talks too much about point shots and traffic to make me believe he'd be willing to play this system. Which is really too bad because I think with the right line combos they could pull it off.
  8. You should then also do the reverse, when the Flames passed on a RS to take a better prospect. Like when most wanted Taylor Raddysh (a RS) but the Flames took Dillon Dube. The argument cuts both ways.
  9. Interesting Q +A from Geoff Ward and Eric Francis. Few highlights: More talk about Lindholm at center. Feels Lindholm is a natural center. Doesn't feel they will change their style of play from the playoffs (I find this very concerning) Some interesting points about depth and roster flexibility. Expects a lot of competition in camp. Mentions specifically that Valimaki is current only Finland playing the right side. Could you be a right side option for them. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/qa-flames-ward-moving-lindholm-top-centre-spot-markstrom-deal/
  10. https://www.sportsnet.ca/960/big-show/brad-treliving-talks-flames-offseason-moves-free-agency/
  11. I know that thought is popular for some, but for me is so wrong. If you want to include all factors I think Backlund is the best center they have so that is hardly a luxury IMO, it's a necessity. Bennett on the wing could be the plan but it's very disappointing if that is the case. He's more comfortable at center, he looked great there and IMO fits a bit need of a speedy center who can rush the puck. It would be very disappointing to see those positive gains immediately offset by a move back to wing. They should trade him if that is the plan.
  12. Interesting to hear on the radio yesterday Treliving be very forthright that part of their rationale to bring in Simon and Levrio is depth on the RS that would allow them to move Lindholm to center if they want to. Sounds like it's an active discussion that they are preparing for. My first thought, is it's a GM's job to provide flexibility to the roster so even though I have my own thoughts at Lindholm at center I like the approach. While it wasn't the primary reason they lost to Dallas, the lack of depth showed up when Tkachuk got hurt, and their lack of flexibility really hurt them by having to rely on so few guys for important tasks (ie the PK/late in game situations where Ward overused Backlund/Lindholm). But also have to wonder what this means for Monahan and Bennett. Coming out of the playoffs they seemed really committed to giving Bennett a real shot at center so i am hoping those plans haven't changed but at the same time they are now better prepared for the contingency plan of him not working. Monahan is probably the more interesting one who does seem to come up in trade rumors more often than Gaudreau. I'm not sure there is anything pending or close but reading between the lines it sounds like they may be more prepared to move Monahan than Gaudreau.
  13. That part I don't disagree with. The primary reason for the drop in his numbers was that top struggled so much for the first third or so of the season. They were actually really good in the 2nd half and had the not gone through the stoppage I don't think we would be complaining about Gaudreau's numbers as much, they would have finished ok. But even though I agree the playoffs is where it needs to happen and without big changes to his game I'm not sure it can happen. Gaudreau being great in the regular season doesn't really help the Flames IMO.
  14. I don't disagree, it's just not the way these tournaments tend to work. When a high ranking guy comes in, he's the guy and they ride him until it's too late or all the way. I just don't expect anything different.
  15. I would have called Zary a borderline lock prior to the Dach news but now I don't even think he makes it. Byfield-Dach and Cozens would be locks and i think they'll got a different direction for that 4th line spot but maybe they take Zary for depth. I think Pelletier should make it though. This year's version is full of skilled wingers but they lack someone like Pelletier to be that hard forechecking, ultra competitive role player. It's always an important role for Team Canada and Pelletier fits it probably the best on the roster so he should be there. But I can also see the argument for going with a more skilled approach, or more size. This is certainly not a big version of Team Canada and that may work against him. Pelletier's potential spot also likely hinges on Lafreniere and if he is there. Harder lineup to crack if he winds up playing (which i'll be a bit surprised if he does to be honest)
  16. I would love to see Wolf be the guy but it's not likely going to happen. I don't think camp or their performance will make much difference they US are going to go with Knight. I'm more interested to see if Nodler can play a role and if any of the 3 Russians can sneak onto the team.
  17. There is some truth to this, his shooting % did drop a lot, but at the same time so did his ability to generate chances. Mind you they were aligned with his career norms just a step down from last year. I don't think it's as easy as just "finish". but the main concern IMO is the playoffs where his numbers plummet drastically and he was non existent in the playoffs. he does need to take most of the blame for that and I do believe he needs to change the way he plays.
  18. Starting this with the news that Zary and Pelletier were both invited to Team Canada's camp next month. I think Zary has a good shot but in looking at the list I think Pelletier might be in tough. I think both make a lot of sense in 3rd line roles for Canada as this year's crop is a bit weaker in that area but we shall see. Edit: after i started this I see that the Hawks have loaned Dach to Team Canada and that will make it pretty tough to see Zary make the team and even if he does it will be a 4th line role. This is the last year of eligibility for both of them. For other nations: Wolf and Josh Nodler are on the radar. Wolf would likely be a lock and Nodler a solid bet I would think. Russia, all of Ilya Nikolaev, Yan Kuznetsov and Chechelev are eligible. Nikolaev was on the radar in the summer but was not on the latest U20 team. Kuznetsov and Chechlev seem like wild cards but with expanded rosters it's possible. Lucas Fuek is eligible for Sweden but does not seem to be on the radar.
  19. I don’t agree with his conclusions and I don’t think there was a combination that I liked but I fully agree with his premise. something has to change and the Flames coaching staff needs to be willing to embrace that. There should be a lot of experimenting coming training camp
  20. Valimaki continues to be really good in the Finish league.
  21. I understand dangling the carrot and I agree with it but I think you have to weight that with what position is going to make that player successful and what's better in the long run. Is Gawdin a fit in a 4th line role (I have my doubts) and second is he going to get better playing the 4th line? I like having anyone play with Derek Ryan but I for sure have questions about how playing 5-8 mins a night is going to help a player like Gawdin succeed in the NHL. And at the end of the day this is a league minimum contract well under the threshold for pure cap relief. Spots can still easily be won.
  22. Another reason why I think the Flames need to give Bennett some leash and opportunities at center is the expansion draft. They need to know what they have in Bennett because he's definetly on the expansion draft radar. Baring trades, Gaudreau-Monahan-Tkachuk-Lindholm are your 4 auto protects. So that leaves you needing to pick 3 out of Mangiapange, Dube, Bennett and Backlund. if the Flames want to keep competiting in the short term then you cannot lose Backlund, and I think he would get claimed in a heartbeat, so I actually think he should be on the auto protect list. Having said that, if you can test Bennett and he lays well in the regular season it is possible to reconsider that decision but I'm also of the opinion that Backlund is the Flames best center, and for me it isn't close, so losing him creates a massive hole for a team trying to win. So if Backs is protected it's down to Mang-dube-Bennett. Off those 3 I would lean Bennett right now which is why I think it's critical the Flames see what they have and give him some rope at center. Losing playoff Bennett, and a player that I still think can be an important top 9 center for you, is very sub optimal. Of course Treliving can always swing a deal and make this all for not so perhaps it doesn't get this far but at the same time I think teams really overpaid during the last expansion draft and most that cut deals probably regret it today.
  23. I am of the opinion that something needs to change but I also think Gaudreau need to wear his fair share of the blame. He is the one not adjusting to how teams are playing him. He doesn't forecheck or go into corners and I think it's fair to question why after his time in the league he hasn't added more muscle mass that would make him a more effective player or forechecker. He is also the one that instead of trying to adjust in the playoffs when things get tight, he doeesn't and rather just seems to complain about refs and calls. The Flames can make changes to help him out a little, but a lot of this is on Gaudreau himself too.
  24. I'm with Jtech on this both in terms of what center needs to play with Gaudreau and who should start there. i too would start with Bennett and let's just see what happens. I'm not going to pound the table and say that it will work but I think it's absolutely worth a shot because I see the same thing Jtech does. Gaudreau has become easier to defender because everyone knows what will happen on the zone entry. You either push him wide and let him take his low percentage shot at the corner or you force him at the blueline to button hook. having someone with some more speed down the middle of the ice I agree would open things up by forcing the D to back up, or you can start dumping it in and actually having someone go and get it. I'm open to trying Backlund too the only downside there is what you do with matchups. Either you take Backlund and put he and Gaudreeau in favorable offensive situations and then find someone else to do the heavier lifting, or you continue to use Backlund as your key matchup and Gaudreau has to be part of that. I don't really like either of those options so I am much more in favor or trying Bennett. If they insist on Gaudreau-Monahan together than I think they need to put someone like Dube or Mang on that line and move LIndholm off. Mang is the best option because I do think a Tkachuk -Backlund-Lindholm line could be killer and then it also keeps Dube with Bennett for depth. either way I will be extremely upset with Ward if he walks into camp with the same line combinations because it's very obvious change is needed.
  25. he isn't my favorite either but I do like that he organizes his list based on young talent and not just prospects though. However, I agree his got some bias I don't agree with either. In particular I think he puts too much on offensive upside and tends to downgrade players who may not have that flair to their game but have smarts to make up for it. He doesn't seem to like Pelletier for that reason which is fine, I just see it differently. He also doesn't seems to follow goalies as much. My list is pretty close to yours the only different really being i'm not that high on Pospisil but I think that's a fair consensus. I would probably put Josh Nodler ahead of Pospisil.
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