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Everything posted by cross16

  1. I don't mean this to sound like i'm taking something away from the Canadiens, because ultimately you have to play well to get this far and they have been playing a pretty suffocating style in the playoffs. That being said I agree that they are bolstering the idea of "get in a see what happens" because as much as they are playing well in certain facets, both teams they have played against put some pretty bad hockey on the ice. The Jets just never seemed into the series at all and it was made worse by Scheifele's suspension. There is a large part of randomness in the playoffs, and right now it's really playing in the Habs favor. But at the same time, they are seizing it. I don't think the "let's just get in and anything can happen" approach is a successfully team building approach but I believe is is a factual mantra. It gets proven basically every year. Having said that I am still not in favor of the Flames using that to justify a tinkering approach.
  2. For me it's not worth it but I don't think it's ever wroth it. A first round pick is just too valuable to be giving up to clear cap space, especially in case of the Flames where really the only benefit to opening up that cap space is go into FA and try to find something. I don't view that as a good long term recipe for success. I can understand the points as to why Seattle would be interested and perhaps they are thinking like this. Can't say either way I just personally find it hard to believe, especially when Gio is sitting there. If the choice is between Gio and Lucic why take Lucic? Gio provides almost all the same intangibles, the same boost to the salary floor, but gives the added benefit of being able to be flipped at the deadline next year if Seattle is out of the playoffs for more assets. He has a NMC, but his NTC moves to a modified NTC where he submits an 8 team list of teams he can be traded to.
  3. It's possible but I think it would take a number 1. The intangibles he provides don't outweigh that contract with 2 more years on it. Plus your going to have to provide enough incentive for them to not select someone else and Gio is staring them in the face. He can provide the same leadership and also net them asset at the deadline. I don't see how you sway them without a 1 being involved and under no circumstances should the Flames do that. That being said, I don't think the chances are necessarily zero that the Flames could move Lucic. After his next signing bonus is paid out (which will happen this summer i'm just not sure when) he is only owed 2.5 and 1 mill in base salary the next 2 years with 1 more signing bonus of 3 million next summer. If the Flames are willing to pay the bonus this year I don't think its out of the question that a team could find value in that. It would break down to the new team only paying 6.5 million for 2 season of Lucic, which I would argue is fair value for this skillset, but he still counts 12 mill against the cap so big advantage to a team needing to get to the floor. While I don't think it's impossible, I would argue it is not likely. He still has a modified NTC (submits a 10 team list) so he has some say and then you have to convince the owners to pay 2.5 million for a player who isn't going to play for them and you are not going to get anything of value in return. It's still a tough sell.
  4. Season over for Pelletier as Val d'Or lost in the QMJHL Finals. Pretty impressive showing overall, including being named a 3 star in 3 of the 6 games in the Finals. Junior career should be over and he'll turn pro next year.
  5. Very surprised the DOPS didn’t screw this up. I would have gone longer but recognize that 4 games is also not insignificant. As I’ve said all along I don’t view this as a legal hit but I still think more protection should be put in for the players. The nhl should look at something along the lines of and the defenseless receiver penalty in football on the scenarios. I think the old “just keep your head up” is bs and needs to go away.
  6. Agreed. 1 for sure but I would be dangling both to get help elsewhere. The World is just showcasing what some, and most of his underlying numbers, have shown us for the last 2 seasons that while his raw numbers don't blow you away those are mostly due to lack of opportunity. I am full confident that if you elevate his role he would respond, as he doing over there.
  7. Would have been cooled if Stetcher signed in Calgary and you could maybe see this more often
  8. Then was was he penalized (and not just giving a penalty but thrown out)? Why is he having a hearing? I know the likely response is going to be that we was hurt so they have to do something, but players get hurt all the time in the game and the league does nothing. Clearly they see this as an illegal hit under their rules (as do I) But your last point is fair and I acknowledge we are having 2 debates here. 1 - Was this hit illegal under the current rules? 2 - How bad was this hit and do you feel hits like this should be part of the game? I acknowledge those are not really the same questions and answers can be different for both.
  9. That was not directed at you, you are not the only person to ask this it's just an angle that I really dislike. For me, this is 5 and a game no matter what happened to Evans. I didn't even see Evans motionless before I yelled at the TV.
  10. I think he's in the right ballpark. I personally don't see the hockey sense in McTavish that puts him in that camp so that's the only one I'd argue but I do know he likes McTavish were i'm not seeing as much there as others. Outside of someone falling I think Sillinger probably lines up as the best value pick for the Flames at 12. High, high upside there and the more I watch the more I like. I still really like Lucius too but Sillinger's got more upside IMO and a better chance at sticking at center. I think Lucius has a better shot than Nelson so I could see him producing more (i see more Elias Lindholm) but that's splitting hairs a bit. I get the caliber of player he's putting him in.
  11. This is such a silly argument IMO. There was a player victimized by an illegal hit that directly caused said injury. Why would you ever take that out of the discussion? The action is what put the player in the position to get injured. This is what I cannot stand about the NHL and how this is approached. The amount of focus the victims of this actions get is just ridiculous to me.
  12. When you look at the reply, Schiefele's shoulder is at Evans head at contact. Does it ride up? Maybe but I think that is up for debate. To me the head area is the primary point of contact. I'm not suggesting it's cut and dry but it's certainly enough to question this as a legal hit. I get the nouth-south debate and the blindside comparison that point is fair but my point is that is not how the rule is written. We may never land on an agreement of spirit of the law, but for me when I read the rule as it is written this hit falls in that rule as illegal. He could have played he puck though, he did not NEED to contact the body so why is his where he is coming from relevant under the rule? Even if we want to agree to the fact that the distance travelled isn't relevant (which makes no sense to me) how do you get past the fact that he clearly leaves his feet? I'd even acknowledge that sometimes players are going to leave their feet upon the completion of a hit just due to physics but what Schiefele's. His back foot is almost above his head because he jumps into Evans to deliver the hit and almost didn't even land back on his feet. That's a textbook charge IMO.
  13. Sure appears to be in the replay. You can see his head snap back. I don't think this was Schiefele's intention but he it sure looks to me like he hits him in the head. Rule 42.1 for Charging 42.1 Charging - A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player or goalkeeper who skates or jumps into, or charges an opponent in any manner. Charging shall mean that the actions of a player or goalkeeper who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check and opponent in any manner. A "charge" may be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal frame or in open ice. Really don't understand how you can view that rule and not apply ti here. He skates into him, he jumps into him and it was a violent check.
  14. Even if all of this was true, I don't think it is but free to difference of opinion, what makes this hit brutal IMO is there was no need to Schiefele to explode into Evans with full force. He leans into him with full weight, targets the upper body, and does nothing to check his speed. I could get behind the "take the body" argument but to me that's null and voided by the fact he doesn't take the body here he LAYS him out. Split second decisions happen and I bet if you ask Schiefele today he's remorseful and recognizes it was the wrong decision, but it requires still action IMO to set a precedent.
  15. IMO both are and I do not agree that this is a legal play. It's contact with the head for 1 and charging for 2 so there are multiple grounds on which to suspend and consider this dirty and illegal. It's not a legal hit at all IMO. But I do acknowledge that my main beef here is not with Scheifelle it's with the game and the system. I don't consider Schiefelle a dirty player and think this is a situation where he was mad and make a split second decision our of anger that I think was a poor one. The main direction of my criticism of this hit is completely unnecessary on a defenseless player and there should be no place in the game for this type of hit. It is difficult to suspend on those grounds but IMO that is the steps the NHL needs to take.
  16. This is a fair point of few but to me also points out a systemic problem with hockey. None of this should be considered "ok" or "just part of the system" IMO. I think that is exactly the problem with player safety in the NHL and why it's so lacking. But I am biased I'm a strong advocate for enhanced player safety so I tend to tilt to the harsher punishment side because I think it's time to put a stop to this.
  17. See and I don't see how you can make the case that's a hockey play. The hockey play was to play the puck which Schiefelle could have done, but made no attempt at doing when he easily could have. He has eyes on Evans from the circle in and still exploded into the hit knowing the puck was going into the net. It was a completely unnecessary hit where the only thing gained from it was to cause injury which is why IMO, they should throw the book at him. Nothing hockey about what he did.
  18. That Schiefele hit might be the worst hit I’ve ever seen. A truly disgusting play and if he plays one more second of this series then DOPS has completely screwed this up. 100% intent to injure. Should be no place in the game for that.
  19. In order to meet the exposure requirements they need to be under contract for the 21-22 season, a qualifying offer does not work. Un signed RFAs can be exposed for the purposes of being selected, but they will not satisfy the exposure rules. For example Phillips. He will be an RFA and likely to be exposed but he does not meet their exposure requirements so they still need that 2nd forward under contract. I guess an assumption I have made in all of this is that the Flames will protect, Johnny, Mony, Lindholm, Tkachuk, Backlund, Dube and Mang. There is a scenario where perhaps Seattle has indicated they have no interest in one of those players and the Flames could expose them and meet the requirements. It feels very unlikely but it is a possibility so perhaps they don't actually have to sign someone.
  20. Looks like Nordstrom won't be back according to this. Only newsworthy because the Flames still need another forward signed who meets exposure rules. Down to Ryan, Leivo, Ritchie or Simon that will need a contract to meet the requirement.
  21. No. big overpay and inheriting a pretty questionable contract and you still don't address your C.
  22. No, but also consider they don't pay escrow and have lower taxes and a ot of those mid range players will likely max more. Not to mention most of them have guaranteed playing time and roles instead of coming over here and having to likely spend time in the A (reduced salary) or be benched.
  23. Arizona forfeits their pick but they are still part of the lottery so those odds are accurate. If they were to win they have to re draw.
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