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I'm not disagreeing with the premise of your point.  The Oilers are mismanaged and have already bungled one rebuild and are well on their way to bungling another.  So, an Oiler fan mocking the Flames for their rebuild is ironic.




The BOA was a real battle in both the regular season AND the playoffs.  The Flames and Oilers had some real memorable regular season battles in the 80's and early 90's.


Also, the Oilers went to the Cup finals in 2005-6.  That was only 8 seasons ago.  Sure, they've sucked it hard since but they really only admitted that they were rebuilding relatively recently.  Every season after that, except the last 2-3, they added players and made proclamations about how they were competing to win and challening for the playoffs.  It makes their situation even more laughable as a result.

the oilers from 06-10 is exactly like the flames situation from 09-12. its nearly identical.


again, you guys will soon find out that adding a few talented youngsters along with questionable vets wont turn a team around as quick as you'd think.

Hahaha   :)


This has to be the best thread ever :)


Edmonton fans telling other teams not to....



wait for it....



Not take too long for their rebuild!!!





This thread always cheers me up :)



And that they.....want the battle of of Alberta to be.... Relevant again!!!


Hahaha :)


Like in the late 80's!!!


I've also grown into an old man waiting for that.   


But FYI:    Two bad teams playing each other does not = a "battle".


The Battle of Alberta happened in the PLAYOFFS....NOT the Regular season, lol!


The Oilers rebuild has been going on for 20+ years.


The Flames rebuild starts roughly this season.


Give us 2-3 years, and we will be relevant again.


So far I've seen nothing to show that the Oilers will be relevant by then.  By all accounts, it appears they'll be "rebuilding".


I'd love it if they were, but the mismanagement is unbelievable.

so many things with this post are wrong.


but ill say the management WAS terrible, but MacT and eakins have said and done nothing but homeruns since joing the organization, we seem to be on the right track, but only time will tell.

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who remembers,flames fans? cause im sure 29 other teams dont.


It's still talked about on sports radio coming from Edmonton experts, and apparently the last straw in Tambs getting canned.


...and yes, it's brought up all the time on NHL.com in the comments by other NHL fans.

the oilers ahl squad beat the canucks quite handedly in the last game of the 11-12 season right before they entered the playoffs as one of the top seeds in the west, but we dont sit around bringing it up trying to make ourselves feel better than we should..



so im not sure why this matters so much to you?


Because it's the BOA...it matters to all Flames and Oilers fans. If it doesn't for you, then you need to find a new sport mate.  Those are the games that make us the most angry/frustrated, or have us cheering the hardest.


Oilers fans for the last 3 years have been tooting the 1st overall picks that Tambs 'earned', so yes it's been back and forth with the bringing up of past games and trying to make themselves feel better.  Reading the Oilers boards and HFOil this season, it's just a new era, where most Oilers fans are past making themselves feel better and just wanting to win for a change.  I get it, it gets tiresome, and in reality, I'm tired of the Oilers being the punchline of the league too.  It gets old.  Time for a changing of the guard with the bottom teams.  I would love to see Vancouver, Pittsburgh, and Chicago in the bottom of the barrel again.



my quote was a result of a poster saying that the flames always bring their A game when they play the oilers, was just proving that in fact this is not the case. never did i say the oilers bring their A game constantly, they have a bad habit of sitting back when in control of the game. hopefully eakins can change this. i can admit my teams faults, which is something that you guys seem to have a hard time doing. but thats fine with me, just lines you guys up for bigger dissapointment once the season gets going. and just so you know, my expectations for the oilers this season are pessimistic, i'd love to be proven otherwise.


No, I'd be the first to admit that the Flames outlook these next few years looks terribad.  It's just good 'ol friendly competition.  Ask Bronco, we've had some fun conversations in the past.  I wish all the best to the Oilers, and have no problem talking hockey with other team's fans on these forums.  It keeps things alive and fun. After all, what is hockey without the rivalries?


As I said before, good luck this season. :)

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the only irony is the Flames fans who think their team hasn't also sucked (just not as bad,) over the last decade.


the sad truth is that both teams have been a splinter of  a shadow fo their former glory, we need both teams to be good at the same time, sometimes I feel like there aren't that many of us that remember what that was like.


This is the start of year 4 of the Oilers rebuild. It is put up or shut up time. Anything less than a wild card slot will be failure. not even competing for one would be abysmal. Our division will make getting the wild card slot hard, but it is time for real progress in the standings. we have had our incrimental improvements, but they haven't translated to the bottom line yet.


If you don't think we are only in year 4,then you have to accept that the Flames aren't in year one either. Buckle up, cuz it is a long bumpy and frankly, elbowingty ride.


having Burke on board will help for sure (except, next season would be the one to tank, if you were choosing--no one chooses,)

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^ Yeah, the Oilers may feel the salary cap sting soon but I don't think it will be because of Dubnyk.  If he gets anywhere near $5.5 per season on his next contract he'll have won the lottery (unless he plays lights out this season).


I think Schultz will get a good contract but nowhere hear 6X6.  Also, I think the Oilers are planning to trade Hemsky relatively soon and are hoping he has a good season for a decent return.  Gagner is probably the next big ticket out the door.


The Oilers probably have another 2-3 years before they go through real salary cap issues.  That should coincide nicely with their young guys peaking and them having to tear it down for a 3rd rebuild in a decade (although they won't admit it's a rebuild for a few years).

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^ Yeah, the Oilers may feel the salary cap sting soon but I don't think it will be because of Dubnyk.  If he gets anywhere near $5.5 per season on his next contract he'll have won the lottery (unless he plays lights out this season).


I think Schultz will get a good contract but nowhere hear 6X6.  Also, I think the Oilers are planning to trade Hemsky relatively soon and are hoping he has a good season for a decent return.  Gagner is probably the next big ticket out the door.


The Oilers probably have another 2-3 years before they go through real salary cap issues.  That should coincide nicely with their young guys peaking and them having to tear it down for a 3rd rebuild in a decade (although they won't admit it's a rebuild for a few years).

Well Connor may be able to do a better job at proving the Oilers won't be in cap trouble next year, but he has changed his name or stayed off the Flames boards.  I disagree.


I don't know whether Doobie will be worth $5.5m, but he is already making $3.5m.  Unless he falters, he will see a raise.  Shultz will command a big raise, so $5-6m is not out of the question, unless they sign him to a bridge contract.  The Oilers have not shown that strategy before.  RNH will get $6m.  A lot of the current roster will be UFA, so they will need to replace some during FA which is not cheap.


Hemsky will not be gone this year unless he remains healthy the entire year, and a teams needs a scoring winger for the end of the season.  Edmonton will not trade him if they are in the playoff hunt.


Next year's Oilers will be a combination of the stars big $$ and the 3/4th line and 5/6D getting scraps. 

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Next yr, the Oilers look approximately like:

Hall - RNH - Eberle
Perron - Gagner - Yakupov
X - Gordon - X
Joensuu - Lander - X

Schultz - Smid
Ference - Petry
Larson - Klefbom


So before the re-signings and including Klefbom, they sit with :
$36.3 mil in cap commitment

Let's assume fat contracts: Schultz @ $5.75, RNH @ $6, and Dubnyk @ $5..
They sit @ $53 mil with 8 F, 4D, 1G signed.
ALL key personnel not only locked up, but locked up long term.
Let's further assume the cap moves conservatively to $68 mil.

$15 mil in cap space to sign 5F, 4D, and 1G. Most of which would probably come from within.

(~ 1.5mil /player... lets assume 2F and and 1D are min players at $600K... they'll have ~$2.2mil per the other 6.)

What does it all mean?

The Oilers are just fine cap-wise next year.

Some will then say - oh what about the year after when Yak is up?
So let's expect him to get $6 as well..
But then they have Gordon's $3mil coming off, and another likely cap increase. i.e They should be fine.

Where they will run into problems is having limited ability or flexibility to upgrade and supplement their depth. Basically they will continue to depend on coaching and the development from within heavily in order to improve and upgrade.... or Trades.

So that's what the numbers seem to suggest. Have at her...

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cant wait to bring this up during the season. the flames will run into the same problems the oilers have had over the last few years. a few talented youngsters with little nhl experience being led by questionable veterans with little talent. buckle up, youre in for a rough few years.



if this is the flames A game, then i truely feel sorry for you guys

but please dont take too long with your rebuild, i want the BOA to be relevent again.

Oillio seems to think everyone should have to endure the same Oilers pain as the Edmonton fanbase is experiencing.......

Go troll elsewhere and take your sadism with you.


There is no reason to think our rebuild will follow the same path as your laughable rebuild. Feaster on his worst day couldn't match the ineptness of the Oiler managements track record of the last decade.


  • Your Goaltending is worse(backup far inferior)
  • Your D is marginally better, but there is no reason to believe you new KHL Dmen are gong to produce or fill any of your multiple deficiencies.
  • Your Forwards top 6 got smaller and your new GM knows it. He seems to be helpless to do anything about it though.
  • Your 3rd and 4th lines will endure another shuffle in hopes they find a decent mix however do you honestly think a few rookies are going to make much difference form on of the worst bottom 6 forward groups in the league? Sure ...

Here is some food for thought...

What does it say about the rest of your team and how ready they are, when the New 34 D-Man you picked up topped the testing charts for your team??? I know what that SCREAMS OUT to me........ a 34 year old DMan on the Decline and he shows up in better shape than all those budding young stars and high draft picks..

LOLOL Man are you in for an awakening....


Maybe you should talk that pompous idiot K-Lowe and his 6 or 7 SC Rings to strap on some skates.

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Here is some food for thought...

What does it say about the rest of your team and how ready they are, when the New 34 D-Man you picked up topped the testing charts for your team??? I know what that SCREAMS OUT to me........ a 34 year old DMan on the Decline and he shows up in better shape than all those budding young stars and high draft picks..

LOLOL Man are you in for an awakening....


Maybe you should talk that pompous idiot K-Lowe and his 6 or 7 SC Rings to strap on some skates.


Or it could mean that human beings and especially athletes do not physically mature until the age of 26 - 27 yrs old.

you know... things like strength, muscle endurance, cardio, speed...  or basically what they are testing at camps.


Sorry, just thinking out loud here.. 




The physical peak for most humans, in most sports, is between 25 and 35 years of age; during this peak period, the well-conditioned athlete can create a confluence of muscular strength, peak cardiovascular and oxygen transport, speed and reaction time, and mental capabilities (including the ability to deal with competitive pressures), all bound together by a desire to succeed.

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Or it could mean that human beings and especially athletes do not physically mature until the age of 26 - 27 yrs old.

you know... things like strength, muscle endurance, cardio, speed...  or basically what they are testing at camps.


Sorry, just thinking out loud here.. 




That would explain why our 18 year old behemoth with 7% body fat scored pretty much higher than most other Flames, right?


Trying to take a general survey about all athletes and use it to graph a specific pro sport group seems a tad shortsighted to me. I am sure there is good general data to be taken from it but I wouldn't use it for something that specific as my example. Add to that my questioning was more about the rest of the team being as prepared as well as him.


The remaining Oilers from their roster page shows lots of players who fit your surveys age range(25-35) and they weren't able to post as competitive scores either.



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That's true... it was a generality.

As for the test you referring too where Ference topped the team... yeah he did.. But it hardly = the youngens suck...

Especially since #2 and 3 were youngens Lander and RNH. Kinda blows your whole claim out of the water when you also consider Ference's score was a score the coach had never seen posted before in his career..

It more speaks to how awesome of shape Ference is in rather than how poor the youngsters are showing...

Andrew Ference, the Sherwood Park product obtained from the Boston Bruins, blew Eakins away.

";He scored the highest number that I've seen as a coach," Eakins said of Ference's 67.3.

Two other Oilers were also in the 60s, numbers high for hockey players.

"I was exactly 60. Anton Lander was in the 60s too"  reported Ryan Nugent-Hopkins.

I know it's a Flames board... but that's calgarypuck level stuff right there.

Sedins topped the Canucks testing charts followed by Santorelli... should this be "omg! Kesler and Hansen and 'fill-in-the-blank' all suck" moment as well?

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Sedins topped the Canucks testing charts followed by Santorelli... should this be "omg! Kesler and Hansen and 'fill-in-the-blank' all suck" moment as well?

I wasn't talking about the Canucks or Kessler or Hansen. What exactly does that contribute to my point?


The point was a 34 year old new to the team blew all the rest of the Oiler team away in testing. I heard that interview with Eakins as it happened and he also talked about "his scores" back in the day. Maybe the fact he has never coached a NHL team and mostly tested NHL wannabe younger players would explain why he seemed so surprised at these results.

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I wasn't talking about the Canucks or Kessler or Hansen. What exactly does that contribute to my point?

The point was a 34 year old new to the team blew all the rest of the Oiler team away in testing. I heard that interview with Eakins as it happened and he also talked about "his scores" back in the day. Maybe the fact he has never coached a NHL team and mostly tested NHL wannabe younger players would explain why he seemed so surprised at these results.

Or maybe Ference was just super duper high and likely would of topped 26 of the 30 teams in the league in this particular test.

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Or maybe Ference was just super duper high and likely would of topped 26 of the 30 teams in the league in this particular test.

Whatever. Think what you like. Your survey includes both men and women, all sorts of sports like golfers too.(like they really need to "train at a maximum heart rate for extended periods")  If you want to pretend that it is gospel about Hockey players at a NHL level then feel free to run with it, I'll pass thanks it really offered nothing much towards my original point...

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Oillio seems to think everyone should have to endure the same Oilers pain as the Edmonton fanbase is experiencing.......

Go troll elsewhere and take your sadism with you.


There is no reason to think our rebuild will follow the same path as your laughable rebuild. Feaster on his worst day couldn't match the ineptness of the Oiler managements track record of the last decade.


  • Your Goaltending is worse(backup far inferior)
  • Your D is marginally better, but there is no reason to believe you new KHL Dmen are gong to produce or fill any of your multiple deficiencies.
  • Your Forwards top 6 got smaller and your new GM knows it. He seems to be helpless to do anything about it though.
  • Your 3rd and 4th lines will endure another shuffle in hopes they find a decent mix however do you honestly think a few rookies are going to make much difference form on of the worst bottom 6 forward groups in the league? Sure ...

Here is some food for thought...

What does it say about the rest of your team and how ready they are, when the New 34 D-Man you picked up topped the testing charts for your team??? I know what that SCREAMS OUT to me........ a 34 year old DMan on the Decline and he shows up in better shape than all those budding young stars and high draft picks..

LOLOL Man are you in for an awakening....


Maybe you should talk that pompous idiot K-Lowe and his 6 or 7 SC Rings to strap on some skates.

& their  high picks that now claim they've heard enough about potential & have decided this is the year they act rather then sitting on the pot.


On the subject of highly touted youngsters it seems Omark has lost what the Oiler fans saw as considerable talent & they scammed St. Loius by getting Perron for Paajarvi (a scrub they drafted 1/10 in 2009) & a 2nd in 2014. :lol:  A visit to their board is a hoot. :D

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& their  high picks that now claim they've heard enough about potential & have decided this is the year they act rather then sitting on the pot.


On the subject of highly touted youngsters it seems Omark has lost what the Oiler fans saw as considerable talent & they scammed St. Loius by getting Perron for Paajarvi (a scrub they drafted 1/10 in 2009) & a 2nd in 2014. :lol:  A visit to their board is a hoot. :D

They seem to pick up on every good/bad game by a prospect and think they are 1) the second coming, or 2) trade for scrubbs. Nurse is ready for the NHL and the next Pronger(haha). Marincin is the ready.  Klefbom will need a year in the AHL but look out.  Jonesu is a beast.


Doesn't look to me that the Oilers have really improved their roster over last year.  Horcoff was overpriced and a bit of a minute hog, but no worse than giving it to Gordon.  Their backup goalie is no better than Joey Mac on a rebuilding team.  Not sure how they will be a contender or even a playoff threat this year. 

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It's a great deal for the Oilers. It's only .5 per & a year longer then the 1 Tavares has.


Sure Tavares gets about .1 PPG more & manages to stay healthy enough to play most games but that's nit-picking when considering 2 centers taken 1/1. Afterall, RNH is 2 years younger & should be in the league longer while putting up more points when he uses all that potential. If RNH ever sees the playoffs he'll surely exceed 5 points in 6 games.



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Well... the pro side of ledger...

The Oilers have now effectively completely eliminated what's been plaguing them the last 20 yrs....

They ability to keep their star players.

The core (with Yak and Schultz likely to be following suit) are guaranteed to be their property for the next 7-8 yrs and more importantly thru the primes of their careers.

Pretty impressive "problem" to have.

The amazing part of it - what will a $6 mil contract mean in 4-5-6 yrs?
If the cap fluctuates to 80-90 mil, $6 mil will be what 2nd liners will be making. :blink:

Good for the Oilers and great for their fans.





Just read this elsewhere...

Since 1990, the only teenagers to play 100 games that have a better ppg than The Nuge:





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I guess the days you needed to prove you were more than a high pick before getting 6M$/year are over. Ridiculous deal for a guy who has had injury issues, and an average season. 4 goals and 24 pts in 40 games gets you 6M$. Okay. Maybe this guy ends up playing 50 games a year and is constantly injured, what do you know? Hate those deals.

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I guess the days you needed to prove you were more than a high pick before getting 6M$/year are over. Ridiculous deal for a guy who has had injury issues, and an average season. 4 goals and 24 pts in 40 games gets you 6M$. Okay. Maybe this guy ends up playing 50 games a year and is constantly injured, what do you know? Hate those deals.

stupid stupid stupid

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