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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. I'm not sure how you can make that assumption. Ras is making less than that. Are you able to get a #1 for that? Not unless they are still on a bridge contract or ELC. Or through a trade. But Hanifin is not a #1. So the bigger question is whether you can get a replacement for Hamifin for the same type of money. Hopefully one that is closer to a #1. We may not have the bait to get Chychrun, but he's closer to a #1. I get the arguments against him too, but he's a good player on a bad team. Anyway, we have bigger fish to fry. If we were able to land a top 2D without bleeding too much, we shouldn't consider Hanifin to be untradeable. Have to get the RFA and JH signed. Maybe the allure of Dube, Hanifin and Zary is enough to get Chyvhrun. Losing Dube is a loss of an asset, not the loss of a key player from last year. We clear cap just from that move.
  2. Not sure if you are referring to Hanifin in this, but I understand your point. Everyone sees Kylington falling down and the play turning into a chance. With Hanifin, there is not as many blatantly obvious things. He does a lot of things right. He also does some subtle things that infuriate but are less obvious. Something so simple as a puck along the boards. An important cycle going on and you causally play it with your stick but it jumps on you. It's a critical play and you play it like Sunday morning shinny. You miss it, okay. But you better be the guy back making up for it. Maybe I'm being too hard on the guy, but I want to see responsibility. For all the dumb plays the other guys make, you expect to see them doing what it takes to get it back.
  3. IF it didn't sound like I was saying this, it's kinda what I was alluding to. I'm not going to hang my hat on the playoffs and say this guy has to go. That was wrong after the North Division season and is wrong today. You either have to live with Hanifin or improve at the position. Kylington had taken steps this year. He still has room for improvement, whether it's in the head remains to be seen. Really only had one year where he was given some leeway to make mistakes and learn. Other years it was mistake = bench. Whether he puts it all together or not, who knows. But he has some skills we need and if they can get some of his act cleaned up, then it's worth it. I doubt he gets a huge raise, nor am I thinking he holds out for arbitration. Don't insult him with $1.25M for one year.
  4. You must be forgetting the regular season. Kyl played 4th most minutes every night. Played with Tanev, so not sheltered. Hanifin has been in the NHL for 7 years. No year over year improvement really. Kylington came into camp ready to compete. Ripped. Skates like the wind. He took a step back after the couple of injuries this year. Better chance of him cleaning up some details than Hanifin somehow getting better. Like I said, this isn't really Hanifin vs Kylington. It's how Hanifin disappointed during the playoffs.
  5. Considering that McD played more than a 3rd of the time, he faced every pairing. Top pairing played without interruption for both series. Kylington played with multiple partners and an injured Tanev. I'm not suggesting Kylington replaces Hanfin, just that Hanifin was crap in the 2nd round. The problem that I see with Hanifin is he struggles to defend when he tries to hold the line or pinches. He doesn't make the safe play. Against EDM, it was the same for the last two seasons. The only way a Hanifin trade makes sense is if we get a better LD. Kylington isn't it right now and may never be, but he's a rookie by most standards. One full time season.
  6. Namestnikov is easily a target, though I'm not sure why we didn't go after him at TDL. I would not be surprised if DET or DAL try to sign him. DAL has first crack. Lewis will likely re-sign. Recent pics of him and Lucic heading to a Stamps game, both wearing jerseys. That proves nothing other than he is living there and didn't just call Calgary a home during the season. Ah, Hanifin. What to do. For a guy that has this many years in the league, he sure played like a rookie. You look at the way he played during the regular season and there is no comparison. +27 then -10 in the playoffs. Kylington was a +5, and he didn't play much with Tanev during the 2nd round.
  7. Nichuskin is a good target, but he will re-up with COL. He fits there. Reilly Smith is going to get paid. He's likely in the same range as Kane. Copp is a nice target, he's been trending up. Coming off an arbitration award, but his last contract paid him $4.6M actual prior to it. NY paid a lot to get him and will try to re-sign him after the SCF. I have to think that Vegas is ripe for the taking. $200k cap space and they don't have enough to sign all their RFA's. They might want to trade Dadanov, but he isn't the biggest waste of money. And he may decide to mess up any trade. Even if they trade him, that's still way too much cap needed to finish the team. Kolesar and Roy will get decent raises. Since they just want to clear cap, we may be able to get a few players for a song. Nolan Patrick. Nick Hague. Nick Roy. Just some guys that will eat cap and are not the top 6 guys. One player nobody seems to be talking about is The Cat. For some reason CHI is looking to move him. That's one player that would command a big return. They can have Hanifin, Kylington, whatever. They want Bread? Sure. Zary? Sure.
  8. He would be a Ryan type player, fitting in many places. Prefer to have Rozie in 3C spot. With Pelts and Toffee. Or Coleman and Toffee. Reason why I mention the 2nd option is in case we go buy low on Poolparty. We have to fix the cap and signing Pooly would be easy. In arbitration, he doesn't get anything over 3. But, he would also sign a longer deal for less money just to spite EDM. With that in mind, I think we can do a forward prospect that is waiver exempt in trade. Walker Duehr and Dube.
  9. ^^^^^ What I think is we need to fix the cap. It's fine to get in on the UFA market, but we can't overpay for them and sign the guys we have or may want to bring back. Does signing Copp allow us to play Mackey and Valimaki over Zaddy/Guddy? I like the idea of a defensive RHS C like Jarkkrok, and he's not yet a UFA. If we can get him for less than $2.5M then we have options. Maybe he doesn't fit the roster needs. Or maybe he just needs to play the right role.
  10. Vegas is putting odds on Federov. Now they are betting on coaches? What has happened to the world.
  11. Crazy that Leivo is playing in the AHL. It the one thing I hate about the AHL, that it's a dumping ground for NHL teams. CAR didn't need him this year, so he plays almost the entire season there. He's an NHL player on about 16 NHL teams. Stockton never faced them at all until the playoffs, so they couldn't get much of a read on them. The top line offense dried up against them.
  12. Heard they are closing in on signing Federov as the new coach. Considering their cap and youth, what do you think about a trade for Monahan. I'm not sure he would want to go there, but the youth might rejuvinate his career. Giroux is almost certain to sign in FLA. Sure, they need to clear a bit, but they won't go back to Chariot. I would think that at some point DET wants to start winning more games. Maybe they might consider Dube and Monahan for Rasmussen. It gives them 2/3 of a 3rd line.
  13. If we get Puljujarvi, then we play him with Backlund and Bread. 3rd line is Coleman-Rozie-Toffoli
  14. ^^^^^^^ That's all well and good, but what are the chances he listens to 20 offers. He has a M-NTC for a reason, he doesn't just want to play anywhere. And the teams that can afford him perhaps he has no interest in playing for. Why the heck would he consider Seattle? Doubt he even drinks coffee. It's a loser team maybe 5 years from being close to a playoff team. The GM may be smart, but sure hasn't shown it. I think it's just as important to Johnny what the teams is doing for next season. The team took a big step towards being a contender. The results were bitter but the desire was there. The coach got the best out of the top line possible. Some post season issues, but that happens. It's obvious to JH that some sacrifices are necessary. No team can sign top players without it. But they can't just be to lessen the team. You trade a guy to clear cap, you pick up something else. It can't just be internal growth. You trade Tkachuk, the replacement better be as nasty to play against. Dube for Puljujarvi is okay. Buying out or trading Monahan might sting, but we have a ready replacement. Lucic's game was exposed more in the playoffs than anyone else. Have to do something about it. Would like to see a playmaker for Toffoli. Maybe it just takes Rozie between Pelletier and Toffoli. 4th line. Uggg. Reaves with a couple of faster guys.
  15. The heck with that. We aren't giving them any goalies. Been there, done that with Brossoit. I can stomach trading a F for Pooly, but I wouldn't even give them Kylington. Not that he helps that tire fire defense. I don't see Husso making it to FA. He failed a bit in the 2nd round, but wasn't the reason they lost the series. Not entirely. That's a tough gig to fill. He's coming off a league minimum contract, so there isn't a good reason why he trots to FA. STL will pay him. We have to consider Wolf a longer term project and at best an emergency call up. Vladar is capable as a backup and signed. No need to trade him away. He is already looking like a guy with starter confidece. Still raw and needs more games. Back to Pooly. We aren't helping them out at all unless we send back a prospect or pick. That really doesn't work for us. We can't send them a D because that doesn't help them enough. It would need to be Valimaki and I'm not quite ready to give up on him. So that really just leaves Dube which is a versatile winger/C for a guy that plays one position. Really I don't know how Holland handles the off-season. Smith retiring helps him go after a goalie, but he's going to have to pay for a starter. He's going to have to include a pick to move Kassian. Or buy him out, which is a reasonable cap hit of $667k this year and $1.8M next year. But 4 years is gross. Foegele did squat, so he has little value. Maybe move Nuge, but he has a full NMC.
  16. Zib and Kreider get me close to or ahead of Pikey and R2. But Landeskog presents an issue for me. In reality, I was done when McD and Drai scored 63 points.
  17. I think it gets complicated with the markets. I never agreed that a Flames fan can't watch a stupid hockey game outside of Alberta, even though the channels are broadcasting them. Just so dumb. NHL is all about money, so any U-tube stuff would probably fall under the new internet act. Somehow prevent it without large payments.
  18. Puljujarvi suffered a shoulder injury and will be on the shelf for 4 weeks.
  19. He heard about players getting a facewash. Just takes it upon himself to do it. Just get him his own towel and he would be fine.
  20. I look at the player and wonder why he can't figure it out. If you are not finishing in the top 6 lines, you get dumped in with lesser players. Going to Europe just made it worse instead of learning and getting better in NA. They have done that for years with him. He's a project no doubt, but if any coach could get something out of him, I think Sutter could. He's not on McDavid's list of faves. The pros of him vs Dube is his size. That's my biggest beef with Dube in that he can't seem to get far enough away from the boards to do enough. Run over and rubbed out too often. We are helping them with cost certainty with Dube's deal set for 2 years. Doesn't really help their cap, but they need to do bigger things that just dumping one contract. He's a low cost option for sure. EDM is not getting a former 1st rounder for him now.
  21. Blocked at the source is harder to hack no doubt. But, I am not a security expert in getting past that kind of block. I may or may not have used a site that could easily be made unavailable by a ISP. It's notorious for finding ways around copyright violations. It's a sign of the times where companies are finding ways of getting their agendas turned into law. I don't even want to go there with some proposed legislation in Canada.
  22. I mean it to be more of a selling tool that we pay him big money now. It's sounds funny talking about it, but the future value of his contract in 8 years is a lot less; inflation, lower buying power of the dollar. He plays 8 in Calgary, he's getting more than 7 somewhere else. I doubt any deals elsewhere don't front load the deal. Tavares was exactly that.
  23. Interesting story in the National Post about streaming games. I hope it doesn't extend to next season.... OTTAWA — A Federal Court judge has granted three broadcasters the “unprecedented” ability to require all major Canadian internet providers to block access in real-time to web pages illegally streaming National Hockey League games for the rest of the season. The new ruling is about to make it much, much harder for Canadians without a cable subscription to watch the rest of the NHL playoffs on illegal streaming websites. In a May 27 ruling, the Federal Court granted plaintiffs Rogers, Bell and Quebecor — who hold exclusive NHL broadcasting rights in Canada — a never-before-used tool to fight websites who steal their streams called a “dynamic site blocking” order. In short, the court granted them the temporary ability to force all other major internet service providers (ISP) to block access in real time to web pages hosting unauthorized NHL streams during games until the end of the current Stanley Cup playoffs, likely by the end of June. The order stems from a perennial issue plaguing major broadcasters who pay millions of dollars to the NHL for exclusive broadcasting rights for games in Canada: illegal online streams run by “pirates” and watched by thousands of people, who are not paying for a subscription to authorized streaming or cable providers.
  24. Simply copy and paste to the Offseason Thread. It's a good discussion to have, but I don't want to go down a rabbit hole here.
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