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Everything posted by Devin_Weston

  1. The Flames roast the Canucks. How do you like your Canucks? Rare, medium, or WELL DONE!?

    1. thejazz97


      They were medium rare last night.

    2. DirtyDeeds


      I am looking forward to my Duck roasted and basted.

  2. Been having trouble with the registration process. Can't seem to PM an admin about the problem & e-mail isn't working either. If anyone can help me, that would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Devin_Weston


      Well, I came onto the forums a couple of days ago & since I already had an NHL account anyhow I didn't need to click create account. I waited a while for a validation email & didn't get one, so I clicked Resend Validation. I followed the instructions & it still didn't work. It kept saying there was an error because I had already completed that part of the registration. So I waited a while to see if anything came of it, but nothing still happened.

    3. Kulstad


      Log out of your account, log back in, and try replying/posting to the General Discussion forum

    4. Devin_Weston


      Works now. Thanks Kulstad.

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