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Derftrocity last won the day on October 16 2013

Derftrocity had the most liked content!

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Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. Hahaha... hi Sheri, I'm glad you enjoy my rants. I don't see why being positive about our Flames can piss off so many Canucks fans on OUR board... I mean if it was on their board then I might understand. Most of my opinions are rather un-biased where as the Canucks fans only look at the game through their point of view. I don't mind challenging DL to this bet, it's going to be fun

  2. Hey Derf! I almost single handedly have got your rep into the positives! Don't you dare make that stupid bet with DL! I like you both and don't wnat to lose either of you for a year! Got it! lol

  3. The post aren't really Anti-Canucks. I just want to state the facts and the Canucks fans usually are too blind to see unbiased facts about there team so they take it as a anti-canucks rant.

    I'm actually glad other fans like you enjoy my post though.

  4. To be honest, I just want to hear more anti Canuck stuff, your posts are the most amusing to me.

  5. There's just not much news to start a thread right now. Beside the fact we need to sign some RFA and we're tight on the cap =(

  6. we need a new thread by you soon :P

  7. FlamesShine4Ever- Don't even sweat it man, Canucks are going to lose yet again to the Hawks. Their President season means absolutely nothing in the real season!

    1. FlamesShine4ever


      I cringe at the thought of you know what, but we all know that it's never gunna happen cause like you said regular season means nothing at all. :D

  8. Will do for sure! :)

    I'll even say I'm going to the danger zone while I drink that extra shot

  9. Cheers young lady.

    Have an extra one for Derfrocity!

  10. Thanks for the laugh then.

    I'd be going stir crazy if my life was repetitive like that. It may be a comfort zone to some but I see it as a ball and chain.

    No problem as well. Anyway I am going to grab some food and probably buy some alcohol before the game, I need it badly...

  11. I'm just joking about crying while watching Top Gun. I just wanted to make you laugh! lol

    Oh no... work never tires me out. It is however a very repetitive life that makes me look forward when the work days over.

    Thank you for the compliment.

  12. *points at you and giggles*

    Yeah, same here but with a rum and coke for me. So you don't do much... does your work tire you out completely at the end of the day, I imagine you just don't install glass, lol.

    You have a great sense of humor though and I admire the positivity you have. :)

  13. I cried during Top Gun!

    I remember when I was 24, many eons ago, we partied almost ever day. Nowadays, cracking a beer with the Flames on Sportsnet is my day of excitement.

  14. I'd laugh if you say that movie made you cry though... I can't take that show seriously with Tom Cruise in it.

    Yeah the Oilers winning helped quite a bit for making me smile the past week. I always fall back to hockey whenever I have nothing else going on in my life, lol.

  15. Quiet nice to see a younger lady enjoy a nice classic movie such as Top Gun. In our era when that movie was epic.


    So you're an Oilers fan ... guess you were happy with the 2 win sweep the Oilers had on the Canucks.

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