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Posts posted by Redslinger

  1. Yeah, the writing was certainly on the wall for Irving.  I guess I would have liked to have seen the Flames put him in as the starter in Abbottsford last year come hell or high water.  He floundered early and was never really given an opportunity afterwards.  Some of that is on him and some is that Taylor played really well.  Even so, is the Flames development system is actually going to be about developing players for Calgary rather than winning games in Abbotsford, I think they should have played him more.


    However, he is young, relatively healthy, skilled, hs good size and a decent personality/attitude.  A couple years overseas seeing a lot of pucks could help his development and confidence a great deal.


    One of the lessons to be learned here is thus:  DON'T DRAFT A GOALIE IN THE FIRST ROUND!

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