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Status Updates posted by Demonous_Xodus

  1. So I'm back.

    1. DirtyDeeds


      WB DX. You driving the Bandwagon again this year? Need a GPS Mapping system or something for a perk?

    2. The_People1
    3. The_People1
  2. Skinner signs 6yrs/34.3M$. Can't wait to see what the those young guns in Edmonton will eventually want!

    1. ali-iggy


      i hope hall and Eberle sign in Calgary (:

    2. Flyerfan52


      A guy named Staples has a take on it in the Edmonton Journal.

  3. Enstrom gets a nice 5 year deal from the Jets. Good job locking him up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flyerfan52


      ^ important rather then import

    3. Crzydrvr


      Am I crazy for thinking he's one of the most underrated players in the league, or is it just me?

    4. Flyerfan52


      He seems to be under the radar of

      most fans. But few watched the Thrashers. The excitement of the new Jets (& availability of their games) has brought him to the attention of the mainstream.

  4. Erixon gets handed some poetic justice!

    1. Kulstad


      couldn't have happened to a more-deserving guy.

  5. Weber agrees to offer sheet, teams interested were SJS, PHI, DET, STL. Could the market shift towards Bouwmeester? Check out Bouwmeester's Possible Destinations!

    1. CastleMania


      Lol...is this a sales pitch?

    2. CastleMania


      Lol...is this a sales pitch?

  6. Canes offer Doan a 4yr/30M$ contract. Wow!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlamesLogic


      If thats true, doan needs to sign that asap

    3. Flyerfan52


      Ouch! $7.5 per on a 35+ contract.

    4. Coolie


      I hope this isn't true.

  7. Dolph Ziggler wins MITB! #markoutmoment!

  8. I`ve decided to provide comic relief to angry oilers fans by vowing to answer ultimately negative posts with one-picture answers.

    1. DirtyDeeds


      You will be a busy DX for sure.

    2. Demonous_Xodus


      Apparently since I issued that vow, dumb posts are down 56%!

    3. Demonous_Xodus


      This is so much fun!

  9. Suter/Parise are reported to be a package deal...that basically locks up 25% of your cap. Wow.

    1. CastleMania


      Closer to 20%. All I can say is that I hope these contracts haunt the wild for years to come.

    2. CastleMania


      Closer to 20%. All I can say is that I hope these contracts haunt the wild for years to come.

    3. Demonous_Xodus


      And Minny got :em.

  10. Will Dallas be this year's Buffalo Sabres? Hmm.

  11. Enjoy the 'Peg Olli!

  12. VAN gives 4.6M$ a year to Garrison. Ouch.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BobbyB12


      lol and they said he took a hometown discount! Im happy with the proven player in Wideman

    3. Crzydrvr


      @ DX I think he's being sarcastic, don't worry about it.

    4. Demonous_Xodus


      Yeah, I just wasn't sure because then he posted tbe same thing in a thread somewhere.

  13. A big welcome to Dennis Wideman! Hope he can live up to his stature and win us some games!

  14. Kane might not want to return to Jets. Will the Flames make an offer?

    1. Coolie


      Why not? He's twenty years old and got 30 goals last year.

    2. Crzydrvr


      Even if we don't get him I wouldn't mind offering a big cotnract just to screw over the Jets....but that's just my sadistic side speaking.

    3. Crzydrvr


      Even if we don't get him I wouldn't mind offering a big cotnract just to screw over the Jets....but that's just my sadistic side speaking.

  15. LOL. Hodgeson to Sabres!

    1. Pablo_Escobar


      Pahlsson takes Hodgsons position and Canucks get Kassian on the wing. Good moves for them, which makes me mad.

    2. Crzydrvr


      Good moves for the now, but we've seen those kind of moves in Calgary before....

  16. Congratulations Kipper on 300 Wins!

  17. Anson Carter on the NHL Network. Talk about a blast from the bust past.

    1. Crzydrvr


      Feels weird, because he was supposed to be the next big thing out of boston and vancouver....he's still quite young but he's already moved onto TV analyst

  18. Why do I get "auto-kicked" from the chatroom?

    1. MoKombaT


      Because nobody likes you. JK

    2. Demonous_Xodus


      This problem is still happening.

    3. Flyerfan52


      DX, maybe try a PM to Peeps & see if he can figure it out.

  19. NHL.com has a feature article on Breen. It's interesting.

  20. Ortio back in net tonight for Flames Prospects. Oh lord.

    1. Baalzamon


      I actually think that was the right decision. He's the only guy there who's actually a Flames prospect

  21. Going to the chatroom for the game. Anyone joining?

    1. Lil_Reaper


      I don't mean to sound like some hazy hippie -- but I totally spaced that we even had chat. Oy. I hope it gets used during games.. would be real fun.

  22. I'm going to get back into blogging on this site if anyone wants to check it out.

    1. Lil_Reaper


      I always enjoy having more hockey related stuff to read. I'd be checking it out for sure.

    2. bigchief
  23. Also. I'm having a number of technical issues on the site. Posts from certain members get overextended and go on for very long amounts of page, completely blank. This slows down the site and makes it impossible to load certain threads. Anyone can to help?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JTech780


      up by the address bar click on the icon that looks like a page torn in half.

    3. CastleMania


      It depends what version of IE you have. If you have IE 9 then it should look like a broken piece of paper beside the address bar. Just press that button and it will toggle compatability mode on/off.

    4. JA_Boomer


      It would appear we're still rocking IE 7.0 at work, don't see anything like you're discribing...

  24. Can anyone send me the link to that chatroom we had up for the Flames Mock Draft GM Game? I've just completely lost it. Lol.

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