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Bill Peters - 17th Flames Coach


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15 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


A younger me would have said stand up for the coach and don't get caught up in the past.


Then, we saw the Graham James allegations, which became very advanced, as he continued to coach.


That....was one of the most horribly handled situations I've ever seen in sports.


Flames are doing the right thing now.   Remove him from the situation, investigate, invest in a good decision based on the best information available.


We know one thing:  He's probably not a monster.   Nobody's talking about jail time here.   But is he the best candidate to be leading a diverse group of professional athletes and representing our beautiful city?    If the allegations hold up, it's a flat no.

When he got out of jail, it was reported that he was overseas coaching again😲


Had to check that, yes. In Spain. Canadian players overseas caught wind of it and reported him back to Canadian Hockey Association and we petitioned the IIHF for his removal.


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35 minutes ago, JTech780 said:



I think getting Gelly back on the bench is a good idea.

Don't know if he ever had any positive impact (been a few years), but the PP has been bad.

Even if he just make a passing comment to a player or two from the top unit, that might help.


Funny, but I thought Conny had been on the bench before.

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My thoughts...   From what we know so far, I can say this...


Aliu has alleged that Peters used the N word a few times while referring to Aliu's choice of music...   If that is what happened,  Peters should have chosen his words more carefully  and voiced his concerns without ever using the N word...


Brad Treliving and the Flames are handling this the correct way there is no other way of proceeding without causing further damage to the organization...   Firing Peters without doing their due diligence would be the wrong thing to do on a number of levels...   Aside from an obvious invitation for a lawsuit, if they were to immediately fire Peters without ascertaining  all of the facts, good luck ever hiring an experienced coach at any point in the future...   Having due process is not only the right way of going about it, it is also an obligation...


The likelihood of the Flames keeping Peters as a coach is minimal at best...   There is no escape from the PR baggage, no matter what facts may unfold over the coming days...


If, the allegations that have been made are true, is Peters career as a coach finished, even if he apologizes?...   That is most likely the case, no matter what happens from this point on...   Even if he were to apologize, I highly doubt that there would the same kind of forgiveness that was given to Trudeau, even when there was irrefutable evidence that he wore blackface on at least three different occasions, including the the video that was released showing him wearing a t-shirt with bananas on it and imitating a monkey while wearing blackface...   I have to wonder why the same level of condemnation of racism Peters is receiving was not also directed towards our newly re-elected Prime Minister...


From what Aliu said and others have verified, it would seem that Peters wrongfully criticized a choice of music by using the N word, but even if he were to sincerely apologize, I have my doubts that he will ever coach again...     and yet Trudeau mocked an entire race of people, and all he had to do was apologize by saying that he was sorry and that he did not realize at the time that he was being a racist...   Obviously he was forgiven because he was voted back in for the most important job in the entire country...   If  something is deemed to be unacceptable by society, then the condemnation must be equal, and if we want to see an end to racism, then the double standards for applying judgement also have to stop...    The hypocrisy of having different standards based on who it was that committed an offense of racism will only serve to perpetuate the problem...


A few final thoughts for this post...   This whole mess started from an allegation of using the N word...   Since the usage of the N word is unacceptable because supposedly as a society we have evolved to a point where for it has been condemned for a considerable amount of time, a few things need to happen for its use to stop...   People need to quit using it, all people...   if it's wrong, it's wrong, period...   That includes it's use in music or movies, and even conversation with others, no matter who it is, or what race they are, that says it...   Someone recently recommended that I watch the new Eddie Murphy movie 'Dolemite is My Name' on Netflix, and I didn't even make it a half hour before I changed it to a different movie...   My wife and I just didn't think that  the move was very funny or worth watching, but what I can I say about it is that the N word was used many times...   There are a lot of rap songs that use it often, sometimes what seems like as many as a couple of dozen times in one song...   Yet there are heated disagreements  online whether it is ok for a white rapper to use it, and arguments about if it is acceptable for a white person in the audience to say it while at a concert when rapping along to the lyrics...   It's ridiculous...   Just quit saying the word, otherwise you are just perpetuating it's use...   It's that simple...


To help bring an end to racism, the same principles and expectations need to apply for all people of all of the different races, white, black, brown, or somewhere in between...   It doesn't matter what color we are, we are all human...   If we want to see equality, then the  principles and expectations need to be equal...   Once again, it's just that simple...






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18 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

The abusive kicking and punching helmets was also confirmed by Brindamour as something that had to be addressed.

Carolina has played like a weight has been taken off of them. imo.


Even Sportsnet has the comments by Brindamour...   https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/brindamour-jordans-allegations-peters-sure-happened/


It's really starting to pile up...   I don't think any of us will be surprised if when Peters is terminated...



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Part of the issue and i can understand it is when these allegations were done he wasnt in the NHL at the time so can he be fired for something 10 years ago for something not in the nhl the only thing right now that he could be for sure fired on is the kicking and hitting of the carolina player but the racial slurs 10 years ago and not in the nhl as elliotte said what is the statue of limitations on this etc etc

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I for one, wont be sorry to see a coaching change, as I have not been happy this season with his usage of players, the endless dump-in's, his poor line matching when he had last change, a lot of his "strategy" in general, or the lack of motivation and enthusiasm we have seen from the team so far this season...   We can only hope that Peters replacement is an upgrade, in coaching ability and style, and apparently also character... ...


In my lengthy earlier post , I was not defending Peters...   I just don't like a lot of the SJW tactics that we started seeing on mainstream and social media immediately after the Aliu tweet first surfaced, or the double standard finger pointing and hypocrisy, including the way it has been portrayed by CBC and CTV after they just helped cover up for someone that was guilty of the same kind of thing.. 

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4 minutes ago, Carty said:


In my lengthy earlier post , I was not defending Peters...   I just don't like a lot of the SJW tactics that we started seeing on mainstream and social media immediately after the Aliu tweet first surfaced, or the double standard finger pointing and hypocrisy...    including the way it has been portrayed by CBC and CTV after they just helped cover up for someone that was guilty of the same kind of thing ... 


Well CBC is a mouthpiece for the government, but mostly the Libs.

SN is a TO-centric company that feels the need to shape social policy.

TSN is worse (CTV run).

Another Lib mouthpiece.


So there's no surprise with the hypocracy.

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8 hours ago, phoenix66 said:

100% yes..  to be honest I'm more disturbed and convinced to put the nail in his coffin due to the Carolina incident than the Aliu incident 

Coupled with the Lack incident that was damaged controlled in his presser here ..


It's just such a dangerous slope.. there is nobody alive who can't look back and regret some words or actions which, if done today would have consequences


Pardon my wording before I say it but if this were isolated to the Aliu incident, I'd be more agreeable to move on from it... But the player abuse to me is way more damning and disturbing

the thing is that verbal abuse is abuse as well, maybe less harmful but verbal is, and that’s what happened to Aliu. That’s not to say either is worse than the other. None of it should be happening.

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55 minutes ago, The_Snowbear said:

Part of the issue and i can understand it is when these allegations were done he wasnt in the NHL at the time so can he be fired for something 10 years ago for something not in the nhl the only thing right now that he could be for sure fired on is the kicking and hitting of the carolina player but the racial slurs 10 years ago and not in the nhl as elliotte said what is the statue of limitations on this etc etc


he did physically  abuse a player in Carolina, which Rod B says they dealt with it internally. But being the AHL, it is an affiliate league of the NHL and teams are owned by NHL teams.

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Trudeau was offensive, got caught, apologized, faced the electorate, and was given a minority. He cannot undo what happened, he can just try to ameliorate any harm caused by  those actions. He is not a hypocrite in this situation. I do not believe that voters are hypocrites for showing forgiveness. If the people who vote are the same people who watch hockey, then why is it impossible for Peters to be forgiven? If that is the case, then it is because money is making the decision, and nobody else. The last time I looked, the Flames employ Peters and they will make the call. Sportsnet will have a say as will their advertisers. In the end, there are basically two moral choices to make about this hypocrisy. Either advocate for forgiveness as voters shown Trudeau, or advocate for continued condemnation.

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31 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


he did physically  abuse a player in Carolina, which Rod B says they dealt with it internally. But being the AHL, it is an affiliate league of the NHL and teams are owned by NHL teams.

Too bad that internal effort did not work ... for the entire history of the NHL. Maybe dealing with such matters internally means not dealing with them at all.

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1 minute ago, cross16 said:

Not a chance. 

this is about money now imo. 

Yeah, we got the answer. You know, if this is not handled with strict adherence to due process, Peters could come back and launch a seriously expensive suit. To his expected salary, mix in whatever damage is done to his reputation. I suspect that Treliving does not have any NHL due process rules to follow (i.e. they still do not have a policy). 

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