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Bill Peters - 17th Flames Coach


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The situation is impossible.

There is no right or wrong anymore, so it doesn;t matter whether aligations are found to be true or not.

The Flames are screwed in the league if they don;t fire him.

The NHL will hold the team accountable.

They don;t fire him, they are coverring it up.

NHL sees a backlash.

Bettman goes ballastic.

They fire him without due cause, they will be sued.

They fire him for the right reason, they will smell like roses.


You think the Wideman Effect was something, wait for the BP Effect.


Seeing the debate on here, imagine the debate in non fans of the Flames.



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I couldn't give a crap what word a person said or might have said 10 years ago, especially when he enters a room, his room with that crap music playing.

The fact that a person can send out a tweet and instantly destroy another persons life is totally disgusting.

Then to watch those in social media pile on with few facts is even worse.

If the player was so wronged by it at the time he should of stood up and slapped the coach, had he done that he may have had an NHL career, if he was a player.

To hang a man for something that may have been said or said out of context 10 yrs later is insane.

Peters may have coached his last game for the Flames but he will collect every dime contractually owed to him.


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14 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


I couldn't give a crap what word a person said or might have said 10 years ago, especially when he enters a room, his room with that crap music playing.

The fact that a person can send out a tweet and instantly destroy another persons life is totally disgusting.

Then to watch those in social media pile on with few facts is even worse.

If the player was so wronged by it at the time he should of stood up and slapped the coach, had he done that he may have had an NHL career, if he was a player.

To hang a man for something that may have been said or said out of context 10 yrs later is insane.

Peters may have coached his last game for the Flames but he will collect every dime contractually owed to him.



Wow this post misses the mark by a country mile. 


First off the locker room isn't the coaches room, it's the players, and the players decide what music gets played in there not the coach.


Aliu's story was backed up by other players on the team at the time.


Aliu was a 20 year old kid trying to make it to the NHL, and he already had a reputation as being difficult because he wouldn't get into bus washroom naked with the other rookies on his junior team. Calling out a coach for racist remarks isn't exactly the quickest and best way to get to the NHL.


How do you know the context? I doesn't really matter the context, he used the word, he was wrong period.


Peters has probably coached his last game in the NHL, and rightfully so.

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12 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


I couldn't give a crap what word a person said or might have said 10 years ago, especially when he enters a room, his room with that crap music playing.

The fact that a person can send out a tweet and instantly destroy another persons life is totally disgusting.

Then to watch those in social media pile on with few facts is even worse.

If the player was so wronged by it at the time he should of stood up and slapped the coach, had he done that he may have had an NHL career, if he was a player.

To hang a man for something that may have been said or said out of context 10 yrs later is insane.

Peters may have coached his last game for the Flames but he will collect every dime contractually owed to him.


Disgusting is trying to defend him being a dick. How many black players do you think were on that team? My guess is one. And he got pointed out.

And BP went out of his way to get rid of him. He needs to be fired if that is the kind of authoritarian crap he pulls.

ps He was a 20 yr old kid trying to be a hockey player. BP was 45.

Best case would have been Aliu telling his dad, his dad kicks the Satoshi Nakamoto out of Peters and Peters never sees the NHL regardless.

It is fun watching people contort this thing though, if you're a fan of watching idiocy.

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2 hours ago, stubblejumper1 said:

This season is only two months old and it is a complete embarrassment.   The franchise is a joke right now.  On the outside looking in at the playoffs, worse than the Oilers, can't score, pillow soft, cap jail, and now the coach is probably going to be fired for dropping the N word.  


The only positive is the idea that Conroy might start helping out behind the bench.  There has been so much doom and gloom around the team this year.  I think that Conroy's positivity could only help.  I say make Ward the interim head coach and add Conroy as an assistant.  



You can't have a beginning without an end.


Doom could be exactly what this hockey city needs.    Conroy is an interesting choice but he has an extremely stable job right now so I can't see him rushing into it unless the table is set properly.  The table is NOT set properly right now.


We have another kind of doom coming and that's how the team will play with all of this distraction.   But we're heading into an excellent draft with the best young goalie, for instance, that hockey has seen in over a decade.    If I could pick Any kind of new beginning for a franchise, it would be exactly that and nothing but that.


A year from now the hockey scene here could be the most interesting it's been in years.  But there is more hurt to feel first.

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6 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


Good catch. Kind of like when people call them jerseys, in hockey it's a sweater.

I love the argument that Aliu is just sour grapes. How many black guys were in hockey 10 yrs ago? All of the white kids were into Eminem, is that the difference?

I'll await the result but I don't see Peters having a leg to stand on, and he won't be getting paid in full, this crap is written into contracts.

The only hold up is the lawyers getting paid.

The club will settle up with him, he pretty much has to take it, or he'll really get dragged through the mud.

Why are they asking Flames players is what I don't get. They aren't going to say Satoshi Nakamoto against their employers. Hockey 101.

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22 minutes ago, jjgallow said:

We have another kind of doom coming and that's how the team will play with all of this distraction.   But we're heading into an excellent draft with the best young goalie, for instance, that hockey has seen in over a decade.    If I could pick Any kind of new beginning for a franchise, it would be exactly that and nothing but that.


A year from now the hockey scene here could be the most interesting it's been in years.  But there is more hurt to feel first.


Oh yes a great young goalie available in the 1st round.

That should turn the franchise around.

In about a year.

Other than Vasilevskiy, who is the last goalie drafted in the first round to make one bit of difference for a team.  


I'll give you this; you are able to find some way in this to talk about your favorite prospect.

If we don't make the playoffs due to these distractions, we will be hoping for a lotto draw.

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10 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Oh yes a great young goalie available in the 1st round.

That should turn the franchise around.

In about a year.

Other than Vasilevskiy, who is the last goalie drafted in the first round to make one bit of difference for a team.  


I'll give you this; you are able to find some way in this to talk about your favorite prospect.

If we don't make the playoffs due to these distractions, we will be hoping for a lotto draw.


I will take that as a compliment ;)


But seriously it's not like we were on the verge of something great before all this.  "oh no our stellar season might be affected"


Since Vasilevskiy is pretty much the last goalie to go top 20, yes what you say is true but only because math.


Samsonov looking really great too now, MAF, Carey Price, basically more than half of them end up making a huge difference for their team.  Impact.


Which is higher than it is for forwards drafted in the first round, to be frank.



One minor correction for the records though:   Turn "1 year" into 5 years.   Doesn't mean it's not fun to watch the progress as a fan.

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19 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Oh yes a great young goalie available in the 1st round.

That should turn the franchise around.

In about a year.

Other than Vasilevskiy, who is the last goalie drafted in the first round to make one bit of difference for a team.  


I'll give you this; you are able to find some way in this to talk about your favorite prospect.

If we don't make the playoffs due to these distractions, we will be hoping for a lotto draw.


The silver lining here might be that this is distracting from the team on the ice, which hasn't been good for a quarter of the season.


It sounds like the team was loose and having fun at practice today.


So in an extremely odd way this could be a good thing for this team.

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3 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


The silver lining here might be that this is distracting from the team on the ice, which hasn't been good for a quarter of the season.


It sounds like the team was loose and having fun at practice today.


So in an extremely odd way this could be a good thing for this team.

I think so too. They've been trying to play a way teams have caught up with, but we don't change. JG's 4' inside the O zone button hook, teams are taking that away and we haven't adjusted, and JG looks as frustrated as Blockchain. Structure is great, until it isn't working. BP's adapting leaves much to be desired. Line changes were more like one game threats to specific players rather than a plan. Time for a Frolik hatty. lol

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6 hours ago, jjgallow said:


I will take that as a compliment ;)


But seriously it's not like we were on the verge of something great before all this.  "oh no our stellar season might be affected"


Since Vasilevskiy is pretty much the last goalie to go top 20, yes what you say is true but only because math.


Samsonov looking really great too now, MAF, Carey Price, basically more than half of them end up making a huge difference for their team.  Impact.


Which is higher than it is for forwards drafted in the first round, to be frank.



One minor correction for the records though:   Turn "1 year" into 5 years.   Doesn't mean it's not fun to watch the progress as a fan.


And Wolf seems to be progresing like a stud.

In the meantime, we do have Rittich.

You might not be sold on BSD and he may not be in the league 10 years, but he could be the next Rinne.

IITC you are talking about a goalie in Europe.

Not always a lock to come to NA, even in 5 years.


Point is that bigger impacts from 1st rounders have come from outside the net.

And that could provide a cup while we still have other players.

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8 hours ago, conundrumed said:


Why are they asking Flames players is what I don't get. They aren't going to say Satoshi Nakamoto against their employers. Hockey 101.


Maybe thoughts exactly.  


Moreover, we've heard from Canes fans and experienced ourselves that Derek Ryan is the coach's pet.  For sure Ryan will help Peters deny everything. 

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9 hours ago, CheersMan said:


I couldn't give a crap what word a person said or might have said 10 years ago, especially when he enters a room, his room with that crap music playing.

The fact that a person can send out a tweet and instantly destroy another persons life is totally disgusting.

Then to watch those in social media pile on with few facts is even worse.

If the player was so wronged by it at the time he should of stood up and slapped the coach, had he done that he may have had an NHL career, if he was a player.

To hang a man for something that may have been said or said out of context 10 yrs later is insane.

Peters may have coached his last game for the Flames but he will collect every dime contractually owed to him.


Ya I think you’re missing the point. A coach has responsibilities to lead a team, commanding a room included...however abusing your players racially/physically isn’t and should never be acceptable. I hear you on the dangers of social media, but these facts have been corroborated by multiple sources. Also keep in mind, victims of abuse don’t always speak up, and in many cases these players are still kids.  You didn’t hear Marner talking about the Babcock issue, it’s now just coming out and Marner is now forced to relive it in public. 


It may have occurred 10 years ago but BP was a fully grown man at the time, time doesn’t excuse the action. What a lot of ppl are leaving out is the other player who BP allegedly kicked/punched, his story has also been corroborated. Not to mention what’s now coming out from Canes players.  


Its a very difficult situation. Personally I think Peters is a good coach but I can’t support his character after all this. It’s a learning lesson with perhaps a bit of karma at work. 

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After having to pay two head coaches for the last few seasons, I am guessing the Flames owners are seeing this as an opportunity to not have to pay one of the coaches and the lawyering that goes with that is what is holding up the official firing announcement.

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1 hour ago, The_People1 said:


Maybe thoughts exactly.  


Moreover, we've heard from Canes fans and experienced ourselves that Derek Ryan is the coach's pet.  For sure Ryan will help Peters deny everything. 

C'mon peeps... That's not fair to Ryan. How do you know what his knowledge on the situation is? Or singling him out from the other 2 that came from Carolina.

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I think having Conroy around the team is a very smart decision. Management needs to know where the players heads are at, and you don't really get to know that information unless you are around the team and in the dressing room. He also comes off as an extremely positive person which this team needs a lot of right now.


It sounds like the last two practices have been fun and upbeat. This team needs to get out of their heads and to get away from the negativity that's been bogging the team down for the last few weeks.

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All in all this is a no win scenario for all involved

Does BP deserve to lose his job for actions committed with other organizations? No..but society now dictates he must be punished for past sins ..  we lose a good coach, he gets black marked for life 

If we don't fire him..the flames organization is blackmarked for not punishing him on behalf of the Blackhawks and hurricanes 


We can't blame BT, people say he didn't do due his diligence..he did a full sweep when he hired GG..he determined at that time he wanted Peter's, but he wasn't available..so he took what he thought was similar..then grabbed him when he could 


If there's any blame ..it falls on Ron Francis and the canes ..word is they swept his bench antics under the rug.. they may not have been obligated to tell us , but they didn't punish him at the time either 



Bottom line .. I want to believe there was context here , he made a highly unfortunate and unacceptable choice of words to get his point across ..  but right or wrong, for the sake of the flames image and reputation, he has to go

Kudos again, to BT for process..not knee jerking the decision to can him off of a tweet and public pressure. But ironically the longer he takes now will have the negative effect


I actually have great sympathy for all involved 

BT for having to deal with this

Aliu and the other players for what they were subjected to

Peters for now being punished for his past without any consideration for who the man and coach may be today

Nobody wins here except for Cancel Culture activists and public perception





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1 minute ago, JTech780 said:

This is in regards to a group going to Ron Francis with concerns about Peters.



I'd like to see the league punish Carolina somehow .. if things like this get swept under the rug by a team, then we now see the consequences 

If the league is serious about cracking down..this is a blatant offense ..  I can see the NHLPA running with this 

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7 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

All in all this is a no win scenario for all involved

Does BP deserve to lose his job for actions committed with other organizations? No..but society now dictates he must be punished for past sins ..  we lose a good coach, he gets black marked for life 

If we don't fire him..the flames organization is blackmarked for not punishing him on behalf of the Blackhawks and hurricanes 


We can't blame BT, people say he didn't do due his diligence..he did a full sweep when he hired GG..he determined at that time he wanted Peter's, but he wasn't available..so he took what he thought was similar..then grabbed him when he could 


If there's any blame ..it falls on Ron Francis and the canes ..word is they swept his bench antics under the rug.. they may not have been obligated to tell us , but they didn't punish him at the time either 



Bottom line .. I want to believe there was context here , he made a highly unfortunate and unacceptable choice of words to get his point across ..  but right or wrong, for the sake of the flames image and reputation, he has to go

Kudos again, to BT for process..not knee jerking the decision to can him off of a tweet and public pressure. But ironically the longer he takes now will have the negative effect


I actually have great sympathy for all involved 

BT for having to deal with this

Aliu and the other players for what they were subjected to

Peters for now being punished for his past without any consideration for who the man and coach may be today

Nobody wins here except for Cancel Culture activists and public perception






The problem here is that this wasn't an isolated event for Peters, more and more examples of corroborated events are coming out. It seems to me this guy struggles to treat his players with respect. The fact that the Flames have gotten off to this horrible start and the news that is coming out, things are starting to line up as to why the effort level isn't there for this team.


I really don't feel sorry for Peters at all. You have to be held accountable for your actions past, present and future. That's the bottom line. Just because the event happened in the past doesn't make them any less inexcusable.

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