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Bill Peters - 17th Flames Coach


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I love to play devils advocate .. just heard a take that makes a bit of sense 


what exactly songs was Aliu playing ?  was it  gangster rap ?.. if  so those songs spout the N word like candy.. perhaps it was actually Peters objecting to having to hear the word over and over ?

Even Aliu said he was calling the music the n word , not Aliu 


would put a whole new spin on how we view this 

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11 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

I love to play devils advocate .. just heard a take that makes a bit of sense 


what exactly songs was Aliu playing ?  was it  gangster rap ?.. if  so those songs spout the N word like candy.. perhaps it was actually Peters objecting to having to hear the word over and over ?

Even Aliu said he was calling the music the n word , not Aliu 


would put a whole new spin on how we view this 


Doesn't change anything, there is zero excuse for saying that word, regardless of the music playing.


Let's stop trying to make excuses for Peters. 

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3 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


Doesn't change anything, there is zero excuse for saying that word, regardless of the music playing.


Let's stop trying to make excuses for Peters. 

just trying to see another side ..

think about it .. if you hear a song that says N*** over and over and over again.. does it really make it out of line to say "stop playing that N** music" might even explain why he was so adamant it not be played in the dressing room 

for this to be dragging past tomorrow like it appears is likely now .. gotta wonder what point of view we aint  hearing , and why its not so slam dunk 

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This has got to be hard on the players.

Whether they liked him, hated him or had no preference, they gotta face a media storm.

Instead of playing their game, they get to play a game where things are still negative towards the team.

They will be asked questions about the coach, not about how their game is.

Poor Kylington.

Because he is black, he gets singled out to answer questions.



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16 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

just trying to see another side ..

think about it .. if you hear a song that says N*** over and over and over again.. does it really make it out of line to say "stop playing that N** music" might even explain why he was so adamant it not be played in the dressing room 

for this to be dragging past tomorrow like it appears is likely now .. gotta wonder what point of view we aint  hearing , and why its not so slam dunk 


It is absolutely, 100%, without a doubt out of line.

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19 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

just trying to see another side ..

think about it .. if you hear a song that says N*** over and over and over again.. does it really make it out of line to say "stop playing that N** music" might even explain why he was so adamant it not be played in the dressing room 

for this to be dragging past tomorrow like it appears is likely now .. gotta wonder what point of view we aint  hearing , and why its not so slam dunk 

Doesn't turn off that music work just as good?  I listened to that music a lot as a kid, parents hated it, they called it rap crap though, big difference.  But were not looking at someone who only made horribly unacceptable music references either.

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36 minutes ago, sak22 said:

Doesn't turn off that music work just as good?  I listened to that music a lot as a kid, parents hated it, they called it rap crap though, big difference.  But were not looking at someone who only made horribly unacceptable music references either.

oh yes , absolutely .. 100% offensive choice of words ..

but a whole new view of hes referring to the music and not the player ..


totally off base , yes...  

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58 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

just trying to see another side ..

think about it .. if you hear a song that says N*** over and over and over again.. does it really make it out of line to say "stop playing that N** music" might even explain why he was so adamant it not be played in the dressing room 

for this to be dragging past tomorrow like it appears is likely now .. gotta wonder what point of view we aint  hearing , and why its not so slam dunk 


I know what you saying.  Like, what if Aliu didn't tweet Peters words verbatim?  What if Peters said, "I'm sick of hearing the N-word in music".  So he said both "N-word" and "music" but not in the order Aliu recalls.  Right?  Something like that.


Maybe Aliu's music was blasting the N-word so Peters was using the language to connect with Aliu... speak to others the way they would understand.


Moreover, just because someone drops the N-word, it doesn't automatically mean he's racist.  Lots of things get said in the heat of the moment just to piss the other guy off.  Maybe Peters just hated Aliu and knew that N-word would push a button.


It was 10 years ago after all.  Maybe Aliu remembers slightly wrong?  Maybe he heard wrong?  Even corroborated by others maybe the others remember there was an incident but not exactly the way Aliu tweeted.  Maybe?


Context.  Context.  Context.  Even when Trudeau did blackface, I said hold out for the context.  There could be a very good reason Peters dropped the N-word.


I feel the longer this drags on, the more there's reason to believe Peters won't get fired.

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This season is only two months old and it is a complete embarrassment.   The franchise is a joke right now.  On the outside looking in at the playoffs, worse than the Oilers, can't score, pillow soft, cap jail, and now the coach is probably going to be fired for dropping the N word.  


The only positive is the idea that Conroy might start helping out behind the bench.  There has been so much doom and gloom around the team this year.  I think that Conroy's positivity could only help.  I say make Ward the interim head coach and add Conroy as an assistant.  


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12 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


I know what you saying.  Like, what if Aliu didn't tweet Peters words verbatim?  What if Peters said, "I'm sick of hearing the N-word in music".  So he said both "N-word" and "music" but not in the order Aliu recalls.  Right?  Something like that.


Maybe Aliu's music was blasting the N-word so Peters was using the language to connect with Aliu... speak to others the way they would understand.


Moreover, just because someone drops the N-word, it doesn't automatically mean he's racist.  Lots of things get said in the heat of the moment just to piss the other guy off.  Maybe Peters just hated Aliu and knew that N-word would push a button.


It was 10 years ago after all.  Maybe Aliu remembers slightly wrong?  Maybe he heard wrong?  Even corroborated by others maybe the others remember there was an incident but not exactly the way Aliu tweeted.  Maybe?


Context.  Context.  Context.  Even when Trudeau did blackface, I said hold out for the context.  There could be a very good reason Peters dropped the N-word.


I feel the longer this drags on, the more there's reason to believe Peters won't get fired.


That's the thing, though.   There is no context when a white person can use the N word.  It was the same way ten years ago.  If he said it he needs to own it and he needs to face the consequences.  

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My gut says he’s gone, regardless.  When was the last time someone in an authority position was suspended like this and then reinstated?  Their just taking their time to see if they can terminate the contract.


unfortunately, regardless what happens this will dog the team for at least a couple weeks, longer if they keep Peters around.

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11 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


I know what you saying.  Like, what if Aliu didn't tweet Peters words verbatim?  What if Peters said, "I'm sick of hearing the N-word in music".  So he said both "N-word" and "music" but not in the order Aliu recalls.  Right?  Something like that.


Maybe Aliu's music was blasting the N-word so Peters was using the language to connect with Aliu... speak to others the way they would understand.


Moreover, just because someone drops the N-word, it doesn't automatically mean he's racist.  Lots of things get said in the heat of the moment just to piss the other guy off.  Maybe Peters just hated Aliu and knew that N-word would push a button.


It was 10 years ago after all.  Maybe Aliu remembers slightly wrong?  Maybe he heard wrong?  Even corroborated by others maybe the others remember there was an incident but not exactly the way Aliu tweeted.  Maybe?


Context.  Context.  Context.  Even when Trudeau did blackface, I said hold out for the context.  There could be a very good reason Peters dropped the N-word.


I feel the longer this drags on, the more there's reason to believe Peters won't get fired.

This is what i have been saying. The statement is toward the musical lyrics, even the player stated that. Wrong use of verbage to get him to stop. If the lyrics are fine to be played and broad casted is ilegall to sing  them if your caucasin? As I stated before If Akim can not prove that the N word was used directly at him, Peters is going to have a field day in court with this, especially if he gets let go. I still have to question if Carolina had huge internal issues withs Peters, why now to bring it up and did they not offer him an extention before he came here? Satoshi Nakamoto like this in a social media world would be hard not to find out. The Flames will try and remove him but will either hsve to buy him out or fire him. The only way he gets fired is if there is 100% confirmation they can validate the accussations, cause its a law suit waitng to happen. 


Anyone stop and consider what happens if there is not enough evidence to verify he is a racist? Tre is handling this correctly, but it still falls under his scope of responsibilty, GM hired the coach 

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1 hour ago, travel_dude said:

This has got to be hard on the players.

Whether they liked him, hated him or had no preference, they gotta face a media storm.

Instead of playing their game, they get to play a game where things are still negative towards the team.

They will be asked questions about the coach, not about how their game is.

Poor Kylington.

Because he is black, he gets singled out to answer questions.



I'm going to guess Lindy, Ryan and Hanifin are all going to be part of this "investigation" also. If any of them knew anything about the physical stuff in Carolina then how much finger pointing will be on them for not mentioning it?  Unless they did...........

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5 minutes ago, tmac70 said:

This is what i have been saying. The statement is toward the musical lyrics, even the player stated that. Wrong use of verbage to get him to stop. If the lyrics are fine to be played and broad casted is ilegall to sing  them if your caucasin? As I stated before If Akim can not prove that the N word was used directly at him, Peters is going to have a field day in court with this, especially if he gets let go. I still have to question if Carolina had huge internal issues withs Peters, why now to bring it up and did they not offer him an extention before he came here? Satoshi Nakamoto like this in a social media world would be hard not to find out. The Flames will try and remove him but will either hsve to buy him out or fire him. The only way he gets fired is if there is 100% confirmation they can validate the accussations, cause its a law suit waitng to happen. 


Anyone stop and consider what happens if there is not enough evidence to verify he is a racist? Tre is handling this correctly, but it still falls under his scope of responsibilty, GM hired the coach 



YUp..my gut says that yes, he will be gone

but People's comment about Context i think is bang on..  we all heard it, and the immediate response is " he said the N word.. hes a racist ..he must be fired"

Kudos to BT to get the bottom of it all before making a decision 

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2 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

I'm going to guess Lindy, Ryan and Hanifin are all going to be part of this "investigation" also. If any of them knew anything about the physical stuff in Carolina then how much finger pointing will be on them for not mentioning it?  Unless they did...........

i still wanna know how a kick and a punch to a player went unnoticed on a league game that was likely televised 

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It’s funny because I remember realizing BP was that same guy who publicly berated Eddie Lack after a poor performance...it was abusive. Didn’t figure was that kind of person/coach. Now all this is starting to add up. 


You have to wonder if he’s already wore down the room? They’ve been playing like it, JH lack of offensive confidence all of a sudden, the whole team’s energy just seemed low and offset. 


Tough position for BT to be in, he did have a hard on for BP after working together for Hockey Canada...now it’s put him under the microscope. He has this last chance to get it right. Maybe he goes internal and let’s Huska take the helm next year? There’s sure to be some coaches available by the summer...

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1 minute ago, rickross said:

It’s funny because I remember realizing BP was that same guy who publicly berated Eddie Lack after a poor performance...it was abusive. Didn’t figure was that kind of person/coach. Now all this is starting to add up. 


You have to wonder if he’s already wore down the room? They’ve been playing like it, JH lack of offensive confidence all of a sudden, the whole team’s energy just seemed low and offset. 


Tough position for BT to be in, he did have a hard on for BP after working together for Hockey Canada...now it’s put him under the microscope. He has this last chance to get it right. Maybe he goes internal and let’s Huska take the helm next year? There’s sure to be some coaches available by the summer...

Yup..pretty sure the wild will can Boudreau.. tho he was never my first choice to begin with 

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8 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

Yup..pretty sure the wild will can Boudreau.. tho he was never my first choice to begin with 

Yeah the Wild didn’t give him much to work with, no stability at GM...they underwent a mini rebuild. Trotz is the real boss. Team surprises everyone last year without Tavares, goes deep in the playoffs and they’ve picked up right where they left off...playing even better hockey this year.


Flames gets bounced in that 1st rd and look like they won’t make the playoffs with a 1/4 of the season played. 3 different coaches, same end results. It’s getting old

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18 minutes ago, tmac70 said:

Anyone stop and consider what happens if there is not enough evidence to verify he is a racist? Tre is handling this correctly, but it still falls under his scope of responsibilty, GM hired the coach 

Well he's not on trial for being a racist.  It is in his rights to be a racist if he wants to be.  It is within the teams rights to decide on whether they want to be associated with someone based on past behaviours, they have an image to protect.  We're not looking into just Aliu now, now its others in Carolina, and like jets alluded to, I'm sure there is a reason Ryan, Lindholm and Hanifin have been quiet so far.


Could've Tre done more?  Sure, but I'd say the previous employers handle more responsibility.

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