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What makes you a Flames fan?


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I think being a true fan of a team means different things to different people. For me, it is simply my love and passion for this team... not the number of flags on my car, not the number of jerseys I own, not even the fact I haven't been a fan from the beginning. I became a fan in 04. To some people that is hopping on the bandwagon. But I came to Canada in 04, started watching hockey and just fell in love with this team. Another person's opinion of me is not going to change my love for this team. Nothing will. ;)

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I agree in a sense. Our fanbase is becoming extremely fickle, spoiled, and are literally taking for granted the Calgary Flames. This city was close to losing it's NHL franchise not too long ago, and I just hate how very quickly fans turn on the players and the organization. Believe me when I say that no fan is more disappointed than me; I bleed the Flames (I should probably seek therapy), but you won't catch me trashing the players or the organization.

And that's what bothers me. Flames fans seem to feel that they are somehow entitled to the Cup, and that if they players don't deliver then they're worth less than garbage. People trashing Iginla is ridiculous. You won't find an athlete better with fans than Jarome, and the way people turn on him is disgusting. That doesn't mean that I believe he isn't guilty of any blame, I just think people have lost their sense of respect and tact when it comes to discussing their hockey club.

What I'm trying to say is this: criticize and dissect the team all you want, but do it constructively. This trash that has been spewed over the course of the season does nothing. It won't make the players perform any better knowing that Suzie and Bobby over there think they suck and should be shipped off to Siberia. People seem to forget that hockey players are human. And they always deny it, but the negative press will always get to them. Put yourself in a similar position. How would life be for you if every time you picked up a newspaper your name was dragged through the mud. These guys are under the scope 24/7 here. I don't think people truly appreciate this, and don't realize the immense pressure placed upon them by the public.

Folks, don't confuse my sentiments as settling for mediocrity. I want success just as much as you do, but there is a fine line between criticism and cynicism, and that is the paramount issue I have with most fans these days.

Anyway, what makes a Flames fan a Flames fan? Hard to say. Some fans are super passionate, like many here, and others only have a passive interest in hockey in general. I feel that in order to be a fan, I believe you should know who is currently on your roster, and have a decent idea of how the campaign is going at any given time. What doesn't make you a fan is if you jump on the bandwagon when the team is on fire, and are off quicker than a horse at a race when they're slumping. I also believe strongly in hockey monogamy, which is why I feel so strongly against cheering for the Canucks (if I put aside my hatred for them), or any team for that matter.

Anyway, I don't think anyone can really define what it is to be a "fan", nor in the end, do we have that right. If you like the Flames, then you're a rung up the ladder in my books, and good on ya!

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I don't think you have to quantify it. I think the only thing you quantify is the degree in which you choose to be a "fan" of the team.

I have friends that just "like" the Flames as well as other teams. However, if they play they want them to win. I'd call that a "fan", even thought its not their only team.

Then you have people like me who go to 10-15 games a year (on a not very big salary) own 4 Flames jerseys and have an apartment decorated in Flames gear. Doesn't give me the right to say anything to anyone about it though. They could call me stupid for spending the money I do as easily as I can criticize them for not "caring" enough.

Thats why I hate the term "bandwagon" fan, "fairweather fan" etc etc etc. Its stupid to me. No one has the right to question or criticize your devoation, or choices in what you do.

I also don't think it "needs" to be discussed. I mean, look at Game 6. TEam was down 3-1, was most certainly going to lose and be out of the playoffs for the 4th straight year, and the Dome was still cheering. When they lost, still cheering.

I'm personally not at all woried about the Flames fan base. You go to any city, you'll get the same type of thing in terms of there are fans that will only like the team when they are winning. Vancouver or Edmonton is no different.

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Ive been going to games since I was old enough to walk.

Ive never cheered against Calgary or for Edmonton.

I'll never turn down betting on Calgary, no matter how bad the odds are against them.

I dont expect a Cup every year, I just expect my team to do the best they can.

I still can't get over how we got robbed from the cup in 04.

I wear my jersey EVERY game day, despite living deep in hostile territory (Vancouver, BC).

Everytime Calgary scores a goal, I cant help but jump up and cheer, its as automatic a reaction as breathing to me. Sadly this can create some highly embarassing moments(same when Chelsea FC too!).

Anytime I see anyone take liberties with our goalie/players, I get very angry and almost want to hunt the person down and settle it myself.

Ive seriously considered hiring a PI to find out where certain refs live/stay when they are in town.

I have (a few times) valued lower bowl tickets more than the relationship I was currently in.

Anytime anything bad happens to the Flames, I will find about 50 mocking notes on my desk the next morning.

Anytime anything good happens to the Flames, very few people make eye contact with me at the office the next day.

Ive considered coming up with "cheer songs" like they have in Euro Football for the Flames, until I realise my attempts are better for laughs than cheering a team on/pumping them up.

Ive lose my voice atleast 10 times a year, always during hockey season/postseason.

I almost want to damage my kidney really bad, so I can say I bleed AND pee red.

I cheer just as hard when we are 30th in the league as I did when we won the cup, the thing that changes is how much I drink.

I am a Flames fan and will always be!

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Being loyal to the team, and not jumping on the bandwagon for another team when the Flames start playing bad. Also I belive that if your stick with the team through thick and thin, if you still cheer for them when they are having a bad season, when you cheer for them and go to there games when they have a great season and when you cheer for them when they are a weaker team, much like the Leafs, or even the Islanders.

This may sound weird, but my biggest concern is that the Calgary Flames relocate to another city. That's the last thing I want to happen, and if the Flames have 2 or 3 bad seasons in a row, many of our fans will start to not attend games, and the attendance record will be in the low 14,000's. But I doubt that will happen. :wacko:

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I'll tell you what makes a true Flames fan. Red metallic hair. As of right now I've only ever seen one person wearing red metallic hair and that's me. I guess I'm the only true Flames fan out there. *sigh* It's so lonely at the top... :(

Edit: Wait...I have pics of Yeller11 wearing red metallic hair so maybe he qualifies too. :unsure:

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^^^if we didnt move in the 90s, i really think you have nothing to worry about for the next 2 decades regarding a relocation for the franchise. 14k people back then was a good day. I mean we were 7th last in the league in attendance in 2001, finiancially we were ok because we were 1st in overrall beer consumption in the league that year too :P. (stats I got from a saddledome admin back then, sorry cant link a source)

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there are so many things, and everyone has their definition. you're a fan if:

- you take an automatic cheer and jump up when we score

- you defend and get angry when people trash talk your team, goalie, player

- you get angry when someone changes teh channel when a game is on

- you cheer harder when they lose,, and dont point fingers when we lose (other than Reffs and Coaches and GM's, *eh em* Keenen, Sutter)

- your biggest fear is losing the Flames to another city .. :o

I 've seen a great many of things people will do to show their 'fansmanship', such as:

- coloring/dying a whole body part red/ with the flaming C

- come to the game in fully loaded flames clothing ie. blanket cape, jersey, shirt under jersey, red wig, jackets...

- *eh em, KIDprusoff* come to a game in fully loaded GOALIE GEAR , mimicking the goalies every move. who DOESNT know this kid ? :blink:

- won't leave until the game is over, there ARE exceptions

- won't lose hope until the game is over; you never know when they'll make a comeback.

- go through so much money to get tickets to almost every game ; otherwise, sad to give tickets to someone else if you cant go to the game

-buy jerseys in ALL your favorite Flames players ; admit it, there's more than one. Or five.. :blush:

- I HAVE DONE THIS ONE :: CRY when we lost the game , *eh em* or.. the playoffs. :blush::huh:

well.. these are only some of the examples. Fans have their own definitions. the only thing is .. YOU ARE NOT A FAN IF:

- you jump on when they win, jump off when they're out

- give up on them on the FIRST or SECOND period

- you cant recall even one players' name; not including Iggie or Kipper,

- you watch one game and call yourself a fan ..

hmm ....

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I own three Calgary Flames hats.

I own a Calgary Flames jersey.

I have Jarome Iginla, Miikka Kiprusoff, and Dion Phaneuf posters on my wall.

I have a binder filled with Calgary Flames hockey cards.

In 2004, I recorded Game 6 and 7 of the WCQF, Game 6 of the WCSF, Game 6 of the WCF, and Game 6 and 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on VHS.

I ask God to help the Flames every time I attend Catholic services during the regular season and playoffs.

I used to have a Calgary Flames desktop(its The Simpsons now).

I'm going to buy a Calgary Flames car flag.

I'm going to bid on Jarome Iginla and Miikka Kiprusoff figurines on eBay.

I've allowed watching Flames games to rape my GPA.

I've joined every major Calgary Flames group on Facebook.

I am a fan of every Calgary Flames player with a page on Facebook.

I never bet on Flames games, no matter how crappy their opponent is, because it is bad luck.

I'm going to try and watch a Flames pre-season game in Winnipeg this Fall.

I would donate one of my kidneys if it could help the Flames win the Stanley Cup.

I am a Calgary Flames fan. Semper fidelis.

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Glad you asked.

And all you have to do is look at me to know that Im a Flames fan.

2004 Round 3 vs. San Jose Elimination Game on the Tequila Patio.

Just as the puck crossed the line, the clock struck 0 and the Flames just advanced to the Stanley Cup Finals. As we all jumped up to celebrate a hockey stick flag pops me in the mouth, chipping one tooth. I continuing cheering as I'm bleeding and get kicked out for bleeding (they thought I was fighting?!)

So there I am bleeding from the mouth cheering Go Flames Go on the Red Mile when I'm grabbed by a cop and thrown on the hood. (I had a beer in my hand) and ya beer bottles on 17th ave was a no-no.

Long story short everything was ok except for my tooth. And I wore that hockey grin proudly.....more proudly had we won the cup.

2007 Round 1 vs. Detroit.

After an after-noon game disaster, we decide to go play street hockey. Long story short I trip and break my collar bone. A bad Flames related incident :lol:

2009 Round 1 vs. Chicago Game 2

Another Flames loss somehow manifests itself into a drunken bar fight, leaving me with 5 stitches in my head and a bit of a shiner. A cowardly attack with a pool cue no less. Dont worry no concussion. But a nice scar to remind me how much I love the Flames. Always have, always will.

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I almost want to damage my kidney really bad, so I can say I bleed AND pee red.

Well, that might be a bit much. :lol:

I have old cards. Pages and pages and pages of cards from the early 90s. I don't really collect them anymore at all, but sometimes people give me cards..I have random Kipper/Iggy ones.

I have every Iggy, Kipper and Dion figure.. and a Tanguay one :mellow:

I have three jerseys - including one signed by Iggy back in October. I'd like to think there's more sentiment there than buying a signed jersey off eBay or something.

I wear Flames stuff here in Van all the time.

I go to games here when I'm not poor - thankfully, they only come 3-4 times a year.

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honestly just a love for the team! Feeling the love when they win, and hurting when they lose. All of those other things are just a way of showing support. And I don't agree with "Bandwagon" jumpers, I mean it dosn't matter when you're love for the team arose.

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Ive been going to games since I was old enough to walk.

Ive never cheered against Calgary or for Edmonton.

I'll never turn down betting on Calgary, no matter how bad the odds are against them.

I dont expect a Cup every year, I just expect my team to do the best they can.

I still can't get over how we got robbed from the cup in 04.

I wear my jersey EVERY game day, despite living deep in hostile territory (Vancouver, BC).

Everytime Calgary scores a goal, I cant help but jump up and cheer, its as automatic a reaction as breathing to me. Sadly this can create some highly embarassing moments(same when Chelsea FC too!).

Anytime I see anyone take liberties with our goalie/players, I get very angry and almost want to hunt the person down and settle it myself.

Ive seriously considered hiring a PI to find out where certain refs live/stay when they are in town.

I have (a few times) valued lower bowl tickets more than the relationship I was currently in.

Anytime anything bad happens to the Flames, I will find about 50 mocking notes on my desk the next morning.

Anytime anything good happens to the Flames, very few people make eye contact with me at the office the next day.

Ive considered coming up with "cheer songs" like they have in Euro Football for the Flames, until I realise my attempts are better for laughs than cheering a team on/pumping them up.

Ive lose my voice atleast 10 times a year, always during hockey season/postseason.

I almost want to damage my kidney really bad, so I can say I bleed AND pee red.

I cheer just as hard when we are 30th in the league as I did when we won the cup, the thing that changes is how much I drink.

I am a Flames fan and will always be!

This is a fan. I would watch the game with this guy any day.

I have a jersey, hat and shirt as well as a blanket I can wear as a cape. I have never cheered for any other team, I have been a fan since I saw my first game. The early 90's sometime, when I was between 5 and 7.

I have lived in Calgary my entire life, I love not only the team, but the city.

I have never picked any other team for my NHL videogame dynasty.

I have never given up on the Flames.

The only time I have stopped watching a game before it was over, was when my dad makes us leave to beat the traffic, or changes the channel to watch his Habs.

I am a Fanattic, I always Believe the Flames will win it next year.

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Do you have to own a Flames jersey? Kiprusoff

Name at least 8 players? Iginla, Regehr, Sarich, Kiprusoff, Phaneuf, Langkow, Jokinen, Cammalleri, Bourque, Glencross, Primeau, Giordano, Aucoin, Leopold, Vandermeer, Boyd, Moss, Conroy, Roy, Pardy, McElhinney,

Go to X amount of games per yer? I went to see the Flames in Ottawa. I live in Quebec >_<.

Hate a particular team? The Cansucks.

I own a Flames Cap, A Kiprusoff Jersey, An Iginla McDonald's Hockey Helmet thing, 4 Flames Hockey Cards.

I have Flames Decal Stickers on my Hockey Mask, I practise in my Flames Jersey. I'm four seasons into my Flames Dynasty(Superstar, Two Cups) on NHL 09, and I've one two cups, the Norris(2x) and Calder with Calgary on my BAP.

I watch all the Specials on TSN to see what the Flames are doing, I never close my Television even if the Flames are losing their checking from behind off. I scream my emothion.

I constantly fight with every teams' fans here in Quebec, even if they are better then me. "REGEHR IS WAY BETTER THEN LIDSTROM! xD"

I have the Flames Goal Horn on my Ipod, and demand to have it put on whenever I score in Gym Class.

And I'm a future Seasons Ticket Holder.

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Being a true Flames fan is supporting the team, whether they win or lose. That doesn't mean that you have to defend them every time they play like crap, but if you are only around when things are going well, and then disappear when things aren't, then I'd say that makes you a bandwagon fan.

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Being a true Flames fan is supporting the team, whether they win or lose. That doesn't mean that you have to defend them every time they play like crap, but if you are only around when things are going well, and then disappear when things aren't, then I'd say that makes you a bandwagon fan.

We have quite a few who the opposite, actually :lol:

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I have an Iginla jersey, a collection of old Flames hockey cards, I remember sitting down with my family as a tyke watching the 1989 Playoffs and many other Flames games, I stood up in front of 1000 people at Flames central and answered every Flames question right, I do have ONE car flag for my vehicle (one is enough!) , I've openly argued in the Flames defence with rival fans (I hate the Oil), oh and I've been a member of this message board - not an avid poster mind you, for years. I can't afford to see the Flames at the Dome unless its a freebie or a super special occasion, but I did go out and buy a 42" Samsung Plasma, HD Cable Box and a nice audio set up to watch the games from home :)

What makes me NOT a fan (as told to me by friends and people on this messageboard):

I picked Chicago to win in my playoff hockey pool (despite cheering for Calgary)

I dont hate the Canucks and believe Luongo is a better goaltender than Kipper (unless its 2004 Kipper)

I get angry when the Flames play horrible and openly critique both their effort and strategy

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-2 home Regehr jerseys (old and new style)

-Blank home jersey (old)

-Blank away jersey (old)

-Youth jersey; Otto's # with my name (vintage)

-5 Flames shirts

-Flames socks

-5 car flags

-3 hats

-2 5x3 flags

-1 2x1.5 flag

-Flames piggy bank

-Flame bottle cozies

-Flames Apron/oven mits

-Flames dish cloth

-2 Jarome figures

-Flames beach ball

-Flames patio lanterns

-My mom made me a beautiful Flames douvet cover

-Tons of newspaper clippings

-3 Flames mugs

-1 poster

-Flames red '89 Camaro (haha)

A whole bunch of miscellaneous novelty items.

I also LOVE the City of Calgary.

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