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Fire Feaster!


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Feaster also outbid competitors for both Hudler and Wideman in a cap world...

A major part of why any of the more skilled UFA's would consider signing in Calgary has just been traded, and it is very possible that a few other players of note are going to be either traded or simply leave at the end of their contracts...

If it becomes scorched earth, the time to repair the damage could make even the Oilers a more preferred destination for UFA's...

As I said before, I hope Feaster proves me wrong, but I sure don't like the direction things seem to be headed lately...

??? Feaster got Wideman before free agency aka Jordan Henry and a 5th. That's not a bidding war. Look what the Nucks ended up signing Garrison for??? Garrison's 8 points and 6 year contract with the same yearly value as Wideman's has shown to be worth MUCH less then Wideman's 18 points and a 5 year contract worth the same.

As for Hudler... you are saying he is overpaid??? I am starting to doubt your integrity. Hudler has been one of the best players on the ice this year and was definitely the best player last game. 4 mill is quite reasonable for Hudler. He could have been paid more from another team.

As for O'Rielly, do you NOT, think it was ironic to pull that signing off JUST before game time???

Feaster has definitely been one of the most dirtiest GM's but his plans, whether risk or not, are freaking hilarious. The AVS made it clear, they would be signing O'Rielly, why not stir it up before game time? You can't speculate on what could have happened, you can only speculate on what DID happen, so, it wasn't a bad call.

Then he goes and stirs it up so Pittsburgh has to give up more by including Boston, and you doubt him!

What the heck do you think Iginla would realistically fetch???

Feaster might have stirred it up with Colorado, but they aren't a trading partner, neither is Vancouver, and they were after O'Reilly. Feaster also stirred it up with Edmonton in attempting to acquire Ryan Smyth back when, BUT Edmonton isn't a trading partner.

If anything the Flames and Bruins aren't trading partners, not that they were, but Feaster got what he was set out to get, so in his opinion, and the ownerships, he won the trade.

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Maybe I am just a bit worried for no good reason at all...


I am sure that if Feaster screws the team as badly as I think is quite possible, there is probably a guy just waiting out there for a shot at GM to try and fix it...




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Boston and Pittsburgh are direct buyers for a cup in the east. We just left Boston speechless.

The, "well it was the player's choice" is not a good excuse. Boston was celebrating, Feaster left their GM looking the fool for dealing from good conscience.

It's simply not good business. That's Feaster's fault or Iginla's, take your pick. But "SURPRISE", it's both of their faults.

STRAIGHTEN...navajo fry bread...OUT.

How is "players choice" not a good excuse??? He has the full NMC and I don't think he really realized there was only one team he wanted to go to until the 11th hour. I don't doubt that Iggys hesitation to go anywhere other than PIT hurt Feasters negotiation ability. I'm not saying I'm a Feaster fan necessarily but I do firmly believe that he has taken way too much criticism.

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See i disagree, Feaster should have clairified with Boston it was the players choice in the end. This was never clarifed to Boston during the deal. There is no way that Boston leaks this with out comfirmation from someone inside the Flames orgainzation. The fastest ways to lose business partners is NOT BEING honest. There should be no excuses for doing proper business.


As Feaster's scouts may have better prospects there really is nothing else he's done great since he has been here. Everyone seems to forget " we are going to put a more entertaining product on the ice"  well how entertianing are we, hell we are worse than last year. The choice of Hartley as a coach, is another disaster. Not sure if these guys could organize a two float parade.

How is "players choice" not a good excuse??? He has the full NMC and I don't think he really realized there was only one team he wanted to go to until the 11th hour. I don't doubt that Iggys hesitation to go anywhere other than PIT hurt Feasters negotiation ability. I'm not saying I'm a Feaster fan necessarily but I do firmly believe that he has taken way too much criticism.

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We don't know if Feaster clarified first or not. We were not a part of the talks and don't know how it went down exactly. Even KK pussyfooted around the issue but we don't know if that was to protect Feaster or Iggy.


What we do know is both Boston and Feaster felt they had a done deal enough to start removing people from games that afternoon.


So "what if" it went down to sending in the paperwork to Iggys agent, the deal they had agreed to for signing, and Iggy had a late change of heart where he wanted to go? I don't see how you can blame that on Feaster if that is what went down. I don't know for sure I wasn't there. We may never know.

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See i disagree, Feaster should have clairified with Boston it was the players choice in the end. This was never clarifed to Boston during the deal. There is no way that Boston leaks this with out comfirmation from someone inside the Flames orgainzation. The fastest ways to lose business partners is NOT BEING honest. There should be no excuses for doing proper business.


Jarome had a NTC so at the end of the day it was always going to be his call. And actually both Feaster and Boston have said that after they "agreed" on the deal they were told that they had "logistics" to work out with both Iginla and his agent. I think people are reading into and thinking about this way too much. From info i've read in the past trades are "agreed" to almost all the time and then reneged. Heck at the deadline last Feaster said they "agreed" to a deal for a player only to get a call back later saying the team had changed their mind are weren't moving the player. I think the only reason this is a story is because of the "emotion" in this, in the sense that it is being sold as Iginla didn't want to go to Boston. Other than that I really think this is a non story in reference to Feaster and Boston. I think it's more of a story to how Iginla handled it but that's being discussed elsewhere.

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There's an issue with Brian Burke. 


He's blunt, opinionated and not very diplomatic. If he thinks that you should boarding off then he'll pretty much say it to your face. From a political standpoint he's the antithesis of Jay Feaster.


Now, personally I don't mind that, and maybe no one else on this board does either. But the issue is that he tends to rub people the wrong way and that can be an issue in a hockey market with fans AND media who feel just as strongly about their hockey knowledge and in a place where ownership wants to play a part in controlling the product. Think about it, we have Flames coverage in this city for almost 10 hours a day on the radio and on a game day it's almost 16 or 17 hours. It would be very easy for someone like Brian Burke to become public enemy #1 here, just as he did in Toronto. 


In my mind, he's a perfect fit in places like Anaheim and Florida where he can operate in relative obscurity. 

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We don't know if Feaster clarified first or not. We were not a part of the talks and don't know how it went down exactly. Even KK pussyfooted around the issue but we don't know if that was to protect Feaster or Iggy.


What we do know is both Boston and Feaster felt they had a done deal enough to start removing people from games that afternoon.


So "what if" it went down to sending in the paperwork to Iggys agent, the deal they had agreed to for signing, and Iggy had a late change of heart where he wanted to go? I don't see how you can blame that on Feaster if that is what went down. I don't know for sure I wasn't there. We may never know.

A decent read and perspective on how things went down is here:


"We were informed around noon yesterday that we had the player, we won the sweepstakes, so to speak," said Boston GM Peter Chiarelli.  Although he added the Flames said they needed to discuss with Iginla "the logistics of everything...We operated on the premise we had a deal.

The bolded and underlined above confirms that Feaster did in fact tell Bosotn that the deal was good and it just needed Iggys approval of the logistics. I don't see how you can point fingers at Feaster for being misleading or not being up front about the deal.

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A decent read and perspective on how things went down is here:



The bolded and underlined above confirms that Feaster did in fact tell Bosotn that the deal was good and it just needed Iggys approval of the logistics. I don't see how you can point fingers at Feaster for being misleading or not being up front about the deal.


According to the Boston media member on Lowetide at High noon, Boston repeatedly called Feaster to ask what was going on and Feaster didn't pick up.

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According to the Boston media member on Lowetide at High noon, Boston repeatedly called Feaster to ask what was going on and Feaster didn't pick up.


So does that mean that you go ahead and leak details/announce that the deal is done? If he isn't picking up the phone it obviously means that something is up... Can't blame Feaster for organizational errors made on their end. Iggy made the choice, not him. He communicated that to Boston, that it had to go through Iggy. That should be the end of it..

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According to the Boston media member on Lowetide at High noon, Boston repeatedly called Feaster to ask what was going on and Feaster didn't pick up.

Can you blame him?  What was he supposed to say?  Obviously the Flames were wanting the Boston deal and told them as much, but nothing was ever set in stone.  That's the way hockey deals go down sometimes, it sucks but it happens.  Its not like the Flames were shady or underhanded in their actions.  They bargained in good faith and were trumped by a NMC/NTC.

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Chiarelli's initially seemed quite angry, and rightfully so...   But it looks like by later in the day on Thursday he had calmed down, at least when he was speaking to the media...



"We were informed around noon [Wednesday] that we had the player," Chiarelli said. Feaster "just had to talk to Jarome and his agent regarding the logistics of everything. From that point on, there had been some discussions regarding Jarome taking some time, not to decide, but to kind of let things soak in."


Chiarelli had "no doubt" that the deal was done, "but as time went on, the doubt started to grow."


Starting at around 5 p.m. there was "radio silence" between the teams and the Flames didn't return his calls, he said.


"I, obviously, in my experience, know that if things go silent it means that something is going screwy from your end. And it was," Chiarelli said. "Later that night, around quarter to 12, I got a call from Jay saying that it was the player's choice and he opted to go to Pittsburgh and we were out."


He said he had asked for permission to talk with Iginla earlier but was denied so he wasn't able to offer a contract extension or convince him to come to Boston.


He didn't blame Feaster, called him a "gentleman" and said he didn't think "there was anything nefarious on Jay's part."



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How is "players choice" not a good excuse??? He has the full NMC and I don't think he really realized there was only one team he wanted to go to until the 11th hour. I don't doubt that Iggys hesitation to go anywhere other than PIT hurt Feasters negotiation ability. I'm not saying I'm a Feaster fan necessarily but I do firmly believe that he has taken way too much criticism.


I appreciate that.

I highlighted your text for what bothers me.

There's only a clock running because KK-Jay started it, I would assume after the Boston arrangement.

Why aren't scenarios played out with the player prior?

Isn't that something you should really manage to be most effective?

The only other situation is Iginla played hardball and we got the lesser deal.

If he was of the "only Pittsburgh" mind, why wouldn't we know that until countdown?

Maybe we could've squeezed Pittsburgh a little harder towards the deadline, whose to say, but we installed an artificial deadline on ourselves.

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Apparently Feaster said on the Fan960 that he wasn't intellectually honest enough in his assessment of this teambefore these deals? 


If that is the case, Feaster shouldn't be fired...he should be intellectually honest and resign from his position. 


If he comes in upon getting the job talking about intellectual honesty and how great of a general manager he is, and then he comes out a couple years later and actually says that he didn't do what he promised to do, then he should do the right thing and leave. 


Don't put the blame on Murray Edwards or Ken King. Part of a GM's role is to convince ownership and upper management what they have. It doesn't take guts or a rocket scientist to make the moves now. Just like the Oilers drafting Hall, Nugent-Hopkins, and Yakupov. Anybody could have done that in their sleep.


If he doesn't have the ability to manage this team and sell the right people in this organization, then he should RESIGN. 

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Apparently Feaster said on the Fan960 that he wasn't intellectually honest enough in his assessment of this teambefore these deals? 


If that is the case, Feaster shouldn't be fired...he should be intellectually honest and resign from his position. 


If he comes in upon getting the job talking about intellectual honesty and how great of a general manager he is, and then he comes out a couple years later and actually says that he didn't do what he promised to do, then he should do the right thing and leave. 


Don't put the blame on Murray Edwards or Ken King. Part of a GM's role is to convince ownership and upper management what they have. It doesn't take guts or a rocket scientist to make the moves now. Just like the Oilers drafting Hall, Nugent-Hopkins, and Yakupov. Anybody could have done that in their sleep.


If he doesn't have the ability to manage this team and sell the right people in this organization, then he should RESIGN. 


A month ago, he tried to get Ryan O'Reilly for a 1st and 3rd round pick.


He must've thought the Flames were one Center away from putting it all together.   Firstly, no team ever trades away their 1st round pick just to get into the playoffs.  They only do it to put the finishing touches on a team that's ready to compete for the playoffs.  Second, the Flames wouldn't have even gotten the player anyways due to waiverr


Pretty sure at this moment, Feaster's backup plan was that if O'Reilly didn't pan out, he could still trade Iginla and Bouwmeester to salvage two 2 first round picks.  Therefore, still looking like a hero. Yet, trading Nathan Mackinnon for Ryan O'Reilly is grounds for firing in itself.  And that's IF the Flames were allowed to keep O'Reilly.

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No ill will, no slander, no what should have happened, could have happened, etc...what's done is done. There is no going back.  There is only 1 conclusion...



This job is just too big for Feaster.  He didn't want to rebuild because he just doesn't have the skill set to do so.  Unfortunately we need a new GM...already.

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No ill will, no slander, no what should have happened, could have happened, etc...what's done is done. There is no going back.  There is only 1 conclusion...



This job is just too big for Feaster.  He didn't want to rebuild because he just doesn't have the skill set to do so.  Unfortunately we need a new GM...already.

Aside from the fact that at this point in time I may be harboring some ill will and slander that I will keep to myself...   I fully agree...   :lol:

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Aside from the fact that at this point in time I may be harboring some ill will and slander that I will keep to myself...   I fully agree...   :lol:

This is something new for the gm to consider, call it a homework assignment.

step 1 

Take the day off and spend it at the used car lot by shagganapi trail and observe the differences between the good deals for the dealership [high gross up] and the ones where the inventory is been cleared to make room for something new by a hard up saleman. 

step 2 

learn to recognize the difference between the two so you don't negotiate/represent a position of weakness when you shop cammo.


If IGGy gave a dam about the org he could have done a 2yr sign and trade so we could of at least got a prospect back along with the 1st RND...................................unless he planned on coming back next year or the year after?

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Just watched Feaster and the Flames get absoultly roasted on trade center. Commom ground is Feaster should have done this two years ago or even last year at worst.  They all agree it needs to be burned to the ground which will take a long long time. We got compared to the Islanders.....Shudder.


If it should be burnt to the ground than get rid of Feaster and Hartley and do this right. Feaster needs to go everyone can blame ownership, King but we always spend near the max on cap space. So really spending money is never a problem it is how it is spent and how it is alocated. Calgary's largest problem is gettting a quality GM.  We need a better hockey GM, (full body shiver) Burke god thats all we need, more drama. As teh hockey guys on the panel stated there is no attraction to Calgary as a player casue we are not a winning organization, just a great place for guys to get a last chance on their carrer. Anyone notice Iggy hasnt stopped smiling since he left!! 

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Just watched Feaster and the Flames get absoultly roasted on trade center. Commom ground is Feaster should have done this two years ago or even last year at worst.  They all agree it needs to be burned to the ground which will take a long long time. We got compared to the Islanders.....Shudder.


If it should be burnt to the ground than get rid of Feaster and Hartley and do this right. Feaster needs to go everyone can blame ownership, King but we always spend near the max on cap space. So really spending money is never a problem it is how it is spent and how it is alocated. Calgary's largest problem is gettting a quality GM.  We need a better hockey GM, (full body shiver) Burke god thats all we need, more drama. As teh hockey guys on the panel stated there is no attraction to Calgary as a player casue we are not a winning organization, just a great place for guys to get a last chance on their carrer. Anyone notice Iggy hasnt stopped smiling since he left!! 

You're kidding right? The guy always smiles, he's in a new and exciting place, and he's gonna get a chance at the cup. It isn't about "getting out" of Calgary.

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Just watched Feaster and the Flames get absoultly roasted on trade center. Commom ground is Feaster should have done this two years ago or even last year at worst.  They all agree it needs to be burned to the ground which will take a long long time. We got compared to the Islanders.....Shudder.


If it should be burnt to the ground than get rid of Feaster and Hartley and do this right. Feaster needs to go everyone can blame ownership, King but we always spend near the max on cap space. So really spending money is never a problem it is how it is spent and how it is alocated. Calgary's largest problem is gettting a quality GM.  We need a better hockey GM, (full body shiver) Burke god thats all we need, more drama. As teh hockey guys on the panel stated there is no attraction to Calgary as a player casue we are not a winning organization, just a great place for guys to get a last chance on their carrer. Anyone notice Iggy hasnt stopped smiling since he left!! 

Of course they roasted Feaster, he left them looking like a bunch of morons over the Iginla trade and left them nothing else to do today.

It's not his fault they are pouting. 

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I dont trust feaster one bit he is a joke and he needs to go before the draft he is a laywer by trade and he is full of elbowing !!!! He is not hockey guy,he keeps getting goalies we have enough of them.The rest of the nhl  and fans think he is a joke and im sick of him,why didnt he just get one good prospect and a first for iggy,jbo deal it makes no sense to get garbage in return.

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