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Never did I have any doubt ! ! ! !

I played against Theo many times before his NHL days . . . So when I heard that he was clean and trying to make a comeback I never doubted he would succeed and shine in moments like this.

Congratulation Thereon on your 4th year of sobriety. . .

So happy to see you put a dagger in the hearts of those non believers . . .



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PLEASE SUTTER - SIGN HIM! I haven't been this eager for a signing since JBo. I think Theo is ready NOW or at least give him 10 games into regular season and he'll be in fine form. I for one would be completely OK with seeing him secure a roster spot for the Oct.1/09 opener.

My Lord - Iggy, Joker, Dawes, Dion (HITTING), JBo, Theo, etc etc - What better form of entertainment is there on this planet ???


I'm gonna have to choose my words carefully, here. But I don't think that Theo would be an addition to opening night roster, unless his play takes ahuge jump. Personally, from what I saw, (and most can be explained with lack of "new" NHL experience and nervousness) But he was slow, hesitant and just never had that "go get em" attitude. I'm not trying to knock him as a hero to the organization, but from a player standpoint any roster that he makes, assuming that his play only marginally increses, will not benefit the team in the early season. If anything, he may have to start from the bottom up.

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Never had a doubt ! ! ! !

I played against Theo many times before his NHL days . . . So when I heard that he was clean and trying to make a comeback I never doubted he would succeed and shine in moments like this.

Congratulation Thereon on your 4th year of sobriety. . .

So happy to see you put a dagger in the hearts of those non believers . . .



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Never did I have any doubt ! ! ! !

I played against Theo many times before his NHL days . . . So when I heard that he was clean and trying to make a comeback I never doubted he would succeed and shine in moments like this.

Congratulation Thereon on your 4th year of sobriety. . .

So happy to see you put a dagger in the hearts of those non believers . . .


Robin Kimpinski

I am thrilled for him, and it was an awesome thing for him to win the game for us, but I'm not sure it's a true indication that he'd be a constant contributor to the season just because of it.


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Lets just reflect for one second . . .

He’s been out of the NHL for 6 years . .

He’s been down a road which little recover (drug/alcohol abuse)

He’s have lost millions of dollars along the way. .

He’s been through how many failed relationships. .

He was never healthy and always abused his body . .

Etc, Etc, Etc . . .

Now lets look at today . . .

He’s been sober/clean for 4 years …

He is healthy and tested better physically than he ever has. . .

He has matured and his mindset is settled and in a good place. .

He is in a good relationship . .

And did I mention he is sober and clean for 4 years

And he Played in a NHL game after 6 years and sure he looked rusty but he still has the talent and ended the game in Hero Status . . Shoot Out Goal 

So if he can play to 75% of his past ability he would be an asset to any NHL team including the Flames.

Thereon has always been extremely talented when it came to hockey, it was all the other crap he had problems dealing with as we all do. With all the crap eliminated and with his renewed desire to fix what he has been naturally gifted with who knows where it will take him.

All I can say is I am behind him 100% and I think the Flames would be foolish to let this opportunity pass them by.

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They're absolutely right.  I mean almost 2 hours removed from the greatest "pre-season" game ever played and my face still hurts from from the perma-grin.  Now back when all this Theo re-reinstatement business started, I was one of the biggest doubters on this board and was very quick to blow off any chance he had at ever coming back.  Well, I am happy to say I am eating my words now.  I was wrong, incorrect, uninformed, ignorant and just flat out behaving like a world class homer.  If Theo never plays another game for the Flames I would still be all those things because I didn't believe he could do it.  Thank you Theo for humbling me.  I have listened to all of your interviews and read all the articles written about you since this all began and I have only have this to say:

I am proud of you and truly admire the man, husband, father and mentor you have become.  You are an inspiration to all those who face adversity in their lives and are looking for a second chance.  Thank you.

it takes a real man to admit that... especially on the internet, where the veil of anonymity breeds arrogance... kudos...

i really hope he makes the team... even if he's just a shootout specialist, tongue.gif

wearing my fleury sweater will have a whole new meaning if he's actually playing...

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I've always been a Theo fan and am behind him now 100%

Do I think he can play 20+ minutes a game?? No

Do I want him to?? Not really...

Would he be a plus for the Flames?? Yes

He has always had more heart than half the players out there and if he is a little slower than he was 20 years ago, so what, maybe a few of the others will be able to keep up to him now. I think he could be the 'sparkplug' they have been looking for. The final addition to the new look Flames that makes the difference this year! Conroy needs help getting the team inspired and Theo would definately do that.

Sure am glad I was there to be part of a pre-season game that felt more like game 7 in a playoff run!! Way to go Flames and way to go Theo.

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yI have never been happier for a guy who scored a goal in a pre-season game.

Theo Fleury's road to recovery (whatever the outcome in his hockey career) is the epitome of inspiration.

I damn-near had tears in my eyes when I watched the goal and listened to Maher's call.

And BTW, did anybody else notice that Peter Maher freakin called this outcome talking to Rob Kerr.

I think I heard him say something to the effect, "wouldn't it end perfectly if they went scoreless through overtime and Fleury won the game in the shootout?"

Just give'er Theo!

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[quote name='muzzled_bear wrote:

Dean123']PLEASE SUTTER - SIGN HIM! I haven't been this eager for a signing since JBo. I think Theo is ready NOW or at least give him 10 games into regular season and he'll be in fine form. I for one would be completely OK with seeing him secure a roster spot for the Oct.1/09 opener.

My Lord - Iggy, Joker, Dawes, Dion (HITTING), JBo, Theo, etc etc - What better form of entertainment is there on this planet ???


I'm gonna have to choose my words carefully, here. But I don't think that Theo would be an addition to opening night roster, unless his play takes ahuge jump. Personally, from what I saw, (and most can be explained with lack of "new" NHL experience and nervousness) But he was slow, hesitant and just never had that "go get em" attitude. I'm not trying to knock him as a hero to the organization, but from a player standpoint any roster that he makes, assuming that his play only marginally increses, will not benefit the team in the early season. If anything, he may have to start from the bottom up.

Fully agree.  He's not ready for the NHL day in and day out.  I hope he chooses to go to Abbotsford and trains.  If all goes well, he'll earn a call-up, and dazzle us all one last time.

I think with more playing time, the more "traditional" Fleury will emerge.  He was trying very hard last night to not make any mistakes, and not be made a fool of.  I think given time, he could play a few regular season games and make some kind of impact.

This has been a truly wonderful experience as a Flames fan!

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[quote name='Codes wrote:

muzzled_bear wrote:

Dean123']PLEASE SUTTER - SIGN HIM! I haven't been this eager for a signing since JBo. I think Theo is ready NOW or at least give him 10 games into regular season and he'll be in fine form. I for one would be completely OK with seeing him secure a roster spot for the Oct.1/09 opener.

My Lord - Iggy, Joker, Dawes, Dion (HITTING), JBo, Theo, etc etc - What better form of entertainment is there on this planet ???


I'm gonna have to choose my words carefully, here. But I don't think that Theo would be an addition to opening night roster, unless his play takes ahuge jump. Personally, from what I saw, (and most can be explained with lack of "new" NHL experience and nervousness) But he was slow, hesitant and just never had that "go get em" attitude. I'm not trying to knock him as a hero to the organization, but from a player standpoint any roster that he makes, assuming that his play only marginally increses, will not benefit the team in the early season. If anything, he may have to start from the bottom up.

Fully agree.  He's not ready for the NHL day in and day out.  I hope he chooses to go to Abbotsford and trains.  If all goes well, he'll earn a call-up, and dazzle us all one last time.

I think with more playing time, the more "traditional" Fleury will emerge.  He was trying very hard last night to not make any mistakes, and not be made a fool of.  I think given time, he could play a few regular season games and make some kind of impact.

This has been a truly wonderful experience as a Flames fan!

No doubt, there was some hesitation and nervousness but I don't doubt for a second that he's not NHL ready. Heck, given past experience, Kipper takes about 15 games before he looks NHL ready - last night was case and point. There are many players like this. Does he need game conditioning - YES! However, I don't see where playing him on the 4th line would hurt the team. I'm not trying to live in the past too much am I? I mean, I really think that for the money, he could make a solid (likely not substantial) contribution to the team and again , for the money, probably better than both Bert and Amonte combined. smile.gif 
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Heck, given past experience, Kipper takes about 15 games before he looks NHL ready...

Heck, there's about 1 game out of 5 in March and April where Kipper doesn't look NHL ready. eyes.gif

I'd love to see Theo make this team.  I live in Oklahoma, and had zero clue about this comeback until about a week ago.  It's gotten me excited - Theo has been my favorite player since the day he put on the C in that magical season.  My wife and I even named our son after him (and Gretz, but *she's* the Gretzky fan, not me! wink.gif )  It'd make my decade to be able to take my boy down to Dallas in November and introduce him to Theo.

All that said, sure seems like a longshot.  Hard to tell too much from the feed streaming from Rexall tonite, but he looked pretty slow.  Maybe it's just the stream of games this week catching up to a 41 year old body.  I hope I'm wrong. 

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