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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. The possibility that Ortio will be "paper transaction" assigned to the Heat is also there, but I doubt we are going to make the playoffs this season. I think it would be fair to say that a bad loss has Hartley questioning whether Ortio can handle Eastern conference teams.
  2. Quibbling are we? Is Ortio signed? Is Hiller signed? Is Ramo signed? What NHL goalie are you talking about? If you think Gillies is a NHL goalie, then fine. We have a goalie signed.
  3. To restate it. We have NO goalies signed. We have Gillies ready to go back to the AHL. Nobody else is a Flame beyond July 1st. If Ortio doesn't get at least another 9 starts (not sure the exact number), he's UFA. Even if he is, he has to have a QO, which the Flames may not choose to exercise or Ortio could choose not to agree. So again, we have NO NHL goalies. We may have a backup if he is signed. That's it.
  4. It's pretty obvious we have NO goalie for next year. Nothing else matters before that is solved. We can also develop some players we have, try them out a bit in the position we need to fill, and develop some more. No point in calling up Poirier to play 8 minutes with Bollig. Or playing a RHS D-man on LD with Engelland. We seem to have the market on RHS D-men, but can't seem to unload any? Wideman can't be traded, but somehow Jultz is worth a 3rd? Polak? Weber? I know, different terms and situations.
  5. Hate is a strong word. I don't like players that subtract from our ability to win. Bollig and Hiller have shown that. Raymond has. How is it any worse to waive Bollig or Hiller than Raymond, Ramo and Ortio? You are naive if you think BT is doing anything different than I am suggesting. So why not try out another goalie right now. Split between Ortio and new goalie. Player evaluation. You want to keep Bollig because he drops the gloves or protects Johnny? Fine. Seems to me Johnny gets run or hacked without anyone doing anything. Bollig isn't doing that. Instead, he will step up when someone flattens Stajan. Whoops, that was Bouma that did that. Do we need two similar players as Booms; one that can play and one that can only hit or fight.
  6. It's a business. How I would feel has nothing to do with it. Players have the responsibility to play their best and accept the results of that play. Big Ern was a player that had a lot of respect, but was waived anyway. Ramo was waived after being given the starter reins. Raymond had many chances. The country club is closed. It's tough, but the GM has to do the best he can to right the ship. Hiller isn't a starter on this team anymore, nor should he be. He lost the job this season. That's Hockey. Bollig has one dimension, so if that is needed, then keep him. If there is a need to move on, then why keep him around. Waiving him gives him a chance that a trade option doesn't.
  7. I have been saying this for some time. BT needs to give BH the players that need to be evaluated. Waive Hiller and pick up Stalock. Waive Bollig and bring in Hamilton. Call up Agostino and Poirier. Have Ortio and Stalock as the only options. The amount of waived players by teams that haven't made a trade is amazing. Lots of work possible to do.
  8. Their age and length of their journeys have little to do with their ceiling. Most people have Andersson and Hickey as our top D prospects, but we are seeing some good things in Gilmour and Kylington. Who knows about Gilmour. Could be another Kulak. Kylington's biggest hurdle will be playing a pro game is North America. He's looking better as the season goes on, but could be a top player on the Heat next season. Spoon is already looking like a 5/6 D-man, and that is after everyone wrote him off. Players like Jones and Ekblad came into the league early on and were able to shine. Some like Gio and Brodie came out of nowhere or ttok time to develop.
  9. Seiloff lost an entire year. Many here said he didn't have the offense to make it, since tough guys had to bring more than just grit. Sven is finally in a position that he can play an entire season. He's doing well. Less chance because they are further away? How does that make sense? The guys I listed would have looked no better or worse than Kylington or Andersson at that age. Somehow they all made it. Brodie had less points in his 20 year old season than Andersson. He is now on everybody's radar as being one of the top in the league.
  10. How does Andersson or Kylington have any less chance of being an effective NHL D-man than some of the guys currently in the NHL at a young age? Klingberg is only 23 but is killing it. He wasn't an Ekblad. Nurse is looking OK for his rookie season. Ghost was good in Union College, but looks really good in the NHL.
  11. I don't really think he is any worse than Hiller. Definitely quicker reflexes. No point in ever playing Hiller again.
  12. I don't think you can really look at past teams that have won for some magic formula or makeup. The landscape is changing every year. Tough guys aren't needed much now. Clutching and grabbing is done. Big goalies are now the thing. Goalie pads will likely change over time. You can't predict what a team will look like. Sometimes there is a trade or FA signing that puts you over the top. Sometimes you catch lightening in a bottle. Sometimes you just get matchups that are perfect against your team. BTW, Janko just finished a 4 point night. 2g, 2a.
  13. Goalies are voodoo. Goalie value is even harder to predict. Varly's consistency probably make him cheaper to obtain, but I don't think COL is ready to move on (who else do they have). Bishop is the only one in the Eastern conference. All the others are in the West. Might have to pay extra with the division, not as much extra for the Central. REalistically, there are not many starters that are available. Lots of backups that might be, but are they starters or Schrivens?
  14. Let's face it. Anybody could be made available. All it takes is a horrendous playoff, cap or internal cap issues, difficulty signing (like Hamilton was ), winning a draft lottery, etc. Andersen or Bishop are my two picks in no particular order (due to cost).
  15. It's kind of funny looking at that list. Only a few jump out for me that might even be available: Elliott (going on 31 - plays on a good team) Allen (future in STL) Andersen Bishop (about the best we could hope for - established, huge, very good) Hellebuyck Varly After that, it gets kind of foggy for me. Can't get em or don't want em.
  16. To be fair, Ortio went back to the AHL because he had to. Ramo came back off IR. That's how it works. It wasn't being banished. Maybe I have that screwed up, but that's how I remember it. As far as his two games. Everyone agrees that he did enough to win, and should have been supported better by the offense. Like every Flames goalie, he gave up a softie or two. His style this and last season is a bit risky. He's athletic, so he's sort of like Ramo. Younger, but similar. His focus needs to be better. Overall, though, he brought enough to win with a normal Flames lineup. We haven't seen a consistent winning lineup these days, so it's not his fault we lost. Anyway, I'm out on this topic. Hope the Flames find a true number 1 goalie. We'll see who that turns out to be next season.
  17. Ortio will become a UFA unless he plays 10 more games this season. http://flamesnation.ca/2016/2/26/joni-ortio-could-become-a-ufa-unless-he-plays-a-ton
  18. 15th in the league in goals for? Don't think that scoring is that bad. Around 9 less than the Islanders, but their differential is +25 and our is -23. Sounds like goaltending to me.
  19. Spoon has been great too. He's learned a lot playing with The Nak all season.
  20. Available for waiving? I am sure he is.
  21. Mason was drafted because the scouts felt he has a higher ceiling than Demko. Demko was also playing on a very dominant BC team, so his number didn't speak too much about him. MacDonald was playing on a very weak team in a league not known for defensive play.
  22. They rushed him (tell me something I didn't know). He lit the AHL on fire during the work stoppage, but the Oilers were basically all playing on the farm team. He was ruined by being played as a 1/2 guy without ever earning it. He learned the Eakins system of defense, which is basically swarm the puck carrier. He never was coached to be anything other than a forward that didn't have to backcheck.
  23. I had it slightly overstated. The team MUST (or he is a UFA) issue a QO of 100% for a player making over $1m; if he doesn't sign, he remains an RFA. The team can take him to arbitration, but they cannot offer more than 15% less than his current salary. If they reject the arbitration, he becomes n UFA. I don't know that there is any reason why he would accept less prior to settlement.
  24. To make matters worse, if he is traded to a team, they have to offer that or more as a qualifying offer or he goes to UFA. That's a pretty risky trade, even for a contender seeking a rental.
  25. All well and good, but are they on a development curve that brings them to the NHL any sooner than Gillies or MacDonald? If it a free signing, then sure, add them to the list. Saves a draft pick in 2016 or 2017.
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