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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. No, Vancouver was "afraid" of trading him in-division. Gillis had multiple offers, but it was only the EDM one that was mentioned, since it raised the ire of fans in both cities. As far as Lou goes, he's pretty smart, so he's not going to trade a top 3 pick. As far as NJ goes, I don`t think they can trade CS. That is one of the few solid positions they have locked up.
  2. It was widely reported that EDM offered 7th overall (Nurse pick) + a good prospect. The prospect was believed to be Klefbom. NJD got away with murder.
  3. They gave up a 9th overall in a good draft year for him before he was a true #1 and that was far less than other teams were offering. Now he is a true starter.
  4. That is one scary contract. $6m for another 6 years.
  5. Ramo said that after his early struggle this season, he worked with the goalie coach to change his style a bit. He was playing too far out and getting beat on rebounds, etc. Whether that would translate to starting well in a new season is unknown. What is it with Finnish goalies that they start slow? Kipper seemed to be prone to that. Ortio (JJ would disagree) had several season where he started out of the gate slow. Ramo seemed to suffer a bit that way too. If waiver status was not a concern, and you were able to find a starter for less than $4m, and you signed Ramo to a cheap contract (due to his injury status), it might be best to go with a starter/Ramo combo and have Ortio/Gillies in the AHL, as 1a/1b goalies. Ortio's performance in "meaningless" games down the stretch is probably giving BT some pause about his performance.
  6. You do realize that Ramo may not even be healthy enough to practice/play until October. Kinda risky to even sign him as an UFA this summer/early fall.
  7. Are you agreeing or not. I said you don't go longer than 3 years unless it's a Price type goalie. Even to go more than two years is a risk. If we had done that with Hiller or Ramo, where would we be? That is the point. A goalie can turn sour in a single year. You have to guard against that happening. EDM believes they have a great starter, but chose to only give him 3 years. Martin Jones signed a 3 year deal. I think you are seeing less and less long-term goalie contracts right now.
  8. Without any goalies signed, BT is not going to rule out Ramo. He could get through the summer and have nobody. Saying no way to Ramo now makes no sense. I think Cross is saying that you don't sign a goalie to your team for longer than 3 years unless they are a Price or similar. That has nothing to do with Gillies or Ortio. You give that goalie the opportunity to earn an extension. Look at the DiPietro fiasco.
  9. The last OS done by the Flames was for ROR. I doubt they get into another one anytime soon, at least at that level a player. Any deal is likely after the draft, so I could see a 2017 set of picks being used, in which case it is lower risk.
  10. Backhanded reference to the Canucks-Flames playoffs last year. Every time Eddie Lack was in net, Jim Hughson (CBC Play-by-play guy) cut to a picture of Eddie Lack's dad in the stands. Basically every time he made a save. Every time Sam Bennett made a good play or got a point, he called him "18 year old Sam Bennett". The Nucks fans were furious about this. It was a thing.
  11. Lack had a bad year, so I don't know if that was an anomaly or if the 2014/15 season was. Hey, if we traded for him, we could show pictures of Eddie Lack's and Sam Bennett's dads in the stands.
  12. To me, our 1st is off the table except for an exceptional player in return. Not that I overvalue a 5th overall, but compensation for a OS doesn't seem to be a good use of it. I missed the part of your post where you talked about our picks. It all depends on the asking price and the goalie market. If nobody is looking for a starter, then the price is lower. Elliott and Anderson are both likely available. Probably not as high a return as they like.
  13. Maybe I am off base, but for you to offer sheet, you have to have those picks of your own available for compensation. You can't use ones you received in a trade. So the 1st rounder is out, since it's currently a to 5. Have to go the trade route or offer less in an OS. If you offered $3.6m even, you would only use a 2nd. We have that. But would Anaheim match? Most likely since the compensation is too low.
  14. Gillies was injured in his 2nd last season in the NCAA. There was no way you could have anticipated that during the draft. He seemed to be over it last year in the NCAA. It cropped up again. Maybe they should have shut him down prior to the season in Stockton, but that wouldn't be much different than playing 7 games. Other than Ortio and Irving, who are the goalies that weren't developed properly? In recent years, that is. You can look back to MAF, but recently the only ones are Ortio and Irving. Brossoit was draft, but offered in a trade. He still does not look NHL ready. Different management group. As far as development goes, the only one we have been developing recently is Ortio. An emergency callup last season. This year he could not gain the confidence of the coach to get the job before Hiller or Ramo were injured. How does that reflect badly on goalie development? I like what I have seen of Ortio in the end of the season, but you have to be careful with meaningless games, the same you should with a player like Colborne scoring 9 goals after the Flames were effectively eliminated.
  15. They go with win %. There is the possible cross-over (I think it is Charlotte that possibly could be in)
  16. Bettman has already said that they will announce prior to the draft if the expansion goes in 2017. So they will either know or it won't happen in 2017. Whether it's a sellers market or not, BT has to get a #1 goalie. That is a given. He will only go the UFA route if there is a guy that he wants there.
  17. Maybe we should be thinking of using Ortio as a trade chip for a number 1 goalie. Elliott or Allen or Vasilesky or Andersson. Sure, we would then need a backup, but it also means we have a starter for the next 5 years. Would need to add something to the deal, but it's at least the start of the makings of a deal.
  18. Matt Murray for Gaudreau would be the worst trade in Flames history. You don't trade a player that factored in on 33% of your offense for a goalie or defenseman. It would have to be for a Giroux or Tarasenko.
  19. You say that Gaudreau is not untouchable. I get the comment, since anyone can be traded. Why would say the opposite about Bennett and Monahan in intriguing, though. So, in two seasons with the Flames, Johnny has a 64 point season and 78 points (pending tonight's results). His first two seasons in the NHL. That's scream untouchable as a franchise player on any team. There's a very small list of players I would trade Johnny for. And I would question any of those player would make us a better team.
  20. We will be getting a starter this coming season, so a rebound will happen. We won't be trading the core to do it, nor trading significant prospects to do it. So Gio/Brodie/Hamilton/Johnny/Mony/Bennett/Backlund/Frolik are not in any trade plans. Prospects such as Kylington, Andersson, Shink, Poirier, Janko are not in the trade picture either. I'm not sure of what could be used to make the trade, but there are some interesting goalies that teams will be forced to trade this season. Perhaps even Ortio could be used in a trade.
  21. JJ - when was the last time you said anything positive about any other Flames goalie? You are always there pumping the tires of Ortio, but nobody is allowed to criticize him? People have trashed Ramo and Hiller all year, but somehow everybody is picking on Ortio? I'll pick some cherries here. You were trashing McDonald's selection over Demko here, but went on to say that after 4 games he deserved to get back to the NHL after strong games in the AHL. Ya know, I don't know why I bother responding to you about goaltending. You are so biased for Ortio that nothing else matters. One shutout and some strong performances this year. Some stinkers. Not much different than Ramo provided this year.
  22. ^^^^^^ Well said. I think I'm gonna stop posting in this thread, since we are just going in circles. I'll wait till I see any signings/trades this summer.
  23. Wow, just wow. We both pointed out aspects of lousy goaltending and you turn it into a lynching of Ortio. He has a 6-9-5 record for the season. One shutout. He played a bad game. He had a good game against the Oilers. Last night he was on par with Hiller or Backstrom this season. Consistency is all you would expect of a backup goalie. I may be pointing it out to you, but BT is also looking at the same games. If he won 5 in a row, then it's a different discussion. But it's not.
  24. Last night we saw a different Ortio. None of the goals let in were well defended. Very sub-par. Defense was non-existent at times, but he has to make those stops. Andreoff's was the weakest. Carter's should have been a easy stop. Lucic's were nothing that dangerous. Versteeg's was a matter of losing track and Ortio knocking it in himself. Two games against the Kings, 8 goals against. Whether that is a fluke, bad defense or poor effort, it can't continue next season if we want to win more than 50% of the games with a backup in nets.
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