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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. FlamesNation ‏@FlamesNation 37m37 minutes ago Reported: Apparently the #Flames have signed David Rittich to a one-year two-way deal. http://hokej.idnes.cz/hokej-nhl-david-rittich-calgary-dmy-/nhl.aspx?c=A160610_144339_nhl_cig … At least an option for the farm. Long term prospect, I guess. A little bit more info: http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Todd-Cordell/Report-Calgary-Flames-Sign-Goaltender-David-Rittich/202/77470 I guess he Czechs a few of the boxes.
  2. You forget that Hayes played on RW at BC, so he does fill a need for a top 9 RW. In NY he was used a lot at center. I don't have some notion that he would be a world beater with Johnny. I said he would work his butt off to get the chance. Arnold has not lived up to the hype he had with Johnny, so I don't think the BC connection matters to how well they could play. What I see as an option is a bigger RW, that had initial success in the NHL. He's had two reasonable seasons in the NHL, 45 and 36 points. What we have now is Frolik and a bunch of guys that don't excel on RW. I have no beliefs that two players from the same country = gold, or two brothers are magic (ie Hamilton's).
  3. CGY was on the short list, so I don't know why you think he didn't want to play here. He was offered a NHL roster spot without ever having skated in a practice. As well, the move was a couple of hundred miles for a kid that grew up and went to college in Boston. If anything, he would play his butt off to impress. He would kill to play on Johnny's line.
  4. I only say that because there are too many teams needing this type of player. EDM will pay more than we can afford. Dallas would love him. Teams in the East need him. Frolik had a limited group of teams that really wanted him. WPG made the mistake of not signing him.
  5. There is speculation Brouwer will be a 5 year deal in the 5-7m range. Crazy talk. I don't think there is any way for us to fit him in, even if we moved all bad salaries out.
  6. I may be mistaken, but if you don't QO a player, doesn't he become a UFA? I will preface this by saying I don't have a problem with Colborne at a reasonable contract value. He has some tools that may not have been used properly. Hayes would be a solid trade, as he brings back a player in a position we need (RW), for a player that hasn't done well on RW. At least I feel he hasn't. Hayes is coming out of a ELC, so would be cheaper to sign. NY got him for nothing, so a versatile player coming back would be a reasonable return. I don't believe he is going to get $3m+ from the Flames. That might prevent a deal, but I think it's reasonable. Another trade option would be Bouma for Hayes. A known contract value for a RFA. Bouma may not have the scoring that NY would prefer, but he gives them a toughness that Hayes doesn;t bring.
  7. You may be right. He only had 11 games in the regular season with them, so they may believe he didn't have time to adapt.
  8. I think he is in the "show me" category this season. Bouma should have gotten a one-year deal, arbitration or not. You shouldn't get rewarded for 2 years of meh and one year of decent. A one-year deal would be ideal. You sign him for less than $3m (ideally > $2.5m) and he earns the next deal by showing he is more than a "end of season" player. He controls his next payday. It raises his value also as a trade chip, should we decide he doesn't fit the long term vision.
  9. What he was signed for in Calgary was what he was worth to us. It made no sense for us to re-sign him for $4m or more. At the start of the year, he was a league worst (IIRC) -17 and didn't exactly make Hamilton look any better. You could possibly blame some of that on Hartley, as the strategies used last year had been exposed. I tend to think he was just an average player that had better results in a season where we surprised the league. I think he will get a raise. Dallas may re-sign him, but I don't think it will be more than $4m. He wasn't the reason they lost. He did seem to suffer the same way he did with the Flames; last line of defense with a bad goalie, use stretch passes to exit. When he had room to skate, he used to be a strong puck carrier.
  10. That makes sense. I know with the Finns, it's a different story as they have to do mandatory military service. That's obviously unrelated to playing hockey oversees, but an interesting aside. There was some discussion about this in the draft class thread.
  11. Isn't he supposed to play in Sweden this coming year if he doesn't go to the NHL? I read that somewhere, but don't remember if it was a credible source.
  12. The biggest sticking point seems to be the dollar value. He's big, covers the net well, is a good coach, manages equipment like there's no tomorrow, makes a mean omelet. He sounds like he is ready to sign a Flames offer. Doesn't think it will take long.
  13. Between him and Bouma, who would you shop first? Bouma fit on a Hartley team where sacrificing your body every shift was expected. In an aggressive PK, does Bouma fit the mold? I get the desire to move on. His hockey sense is less than perfect. He cycles the puck, but then doesn't do anything with it. He takes dumb penalties. On the plus side, he is one of the few players to go to the net and screen the goalie. He could do with a Pavelski type practice of deflecting pucks, though. The only other forward that could be used in that role is Ferland. I agree with the Burke statement that he doesn't get $3.4m for scoring in the last 26 games of the year. You get that for being consistent and by bringing other tools with you.
  14. Well Janko is a center, so I don't believe that's his competition. But anyway... I agree that the timing of the points streak (something like 26 points in his final 26 games) is suspect. The thing he managed to do was be in the right place for tips and rebounds. He wasn't driving the play, but he was finishing. Not to crap on Bouma, but in his career year, his shooting % was sky high compared to his normal output. Two different players, but the versatility of Joe outweighs the niche player like Bouma. Bouma brings heart and soul, blocking and hitting, but Joe gives you options. Possibly even a new gear. Bottom line is that it comes down to cap available. I can see them fitting Joe in, but other things have to be done. Can never have too many players able to score 40 points.
  15. If I had seeen some production out of Grant, I would have been more keen on re-signing him. Points leader on the Baby Flames with less games played. Just can't seem to put it together in the NHL. Maybe a new NHL coach would help him, but I don't know that there is any room for him on the roster. It's hard to hold a spot for someone that doesn't score. He battles hard, but you have to choose between him and a player like Jooris. Jooris has produced at the NHL level and could become a valuable depth option for the Flames. Grant, I'm not so sure.
  16. I think you undervalue what a player that scores 44 points is worth. Especially a center/winger. If it came down to Joe or Bouma, I choose Joe. Kreider and Hayes both had similar years, and earned/will earn more than $2.5m. I'm ok with Joe at $2.5m. He's a top 9 player. Not a Backlund. More upside than Stajan or Bouma. If Anaheim wanted Joe, then I would trade him for a goalie. Same with STL.
  17. I think he will get offered something around $2.5m on a one year deal. He has to prove his consistency with the team and not simply an end-of-year player. Don't get me wrong, I like the player (most of the time). He has games where you see his possible potential, then he has shifts where you think he has no hockey sense. I'm convinced that BT will do a short-term deal, to keep the cap manageable and still allow him to get a better deal in the following year. He would likely get more in arbitration (assuming he has rights), but the Flames would only accept a one-year deal that way anyway. They might even walk away, but would be more likely to trade him before year end. I don't think Philly wants to trade Neuvirth. He won 2/3 in the playoffs, plus played 32 games this year.
  18. Burke kind of let it be known that Colborne won't be getting a huge raise. And let's face it, he would likely sign a short term deal for a discount to ensure he stays here. MAF would be my last choice of available goalies right now.
  19. No doubt a forward can develop faster than a goalie. Johnny is an exception even to the typical college kid mold. He was a NHL player in a bantam body. I would prefer that we have a starter for the next few years and have Gillies come up and steal the job. I doubt that Ortio has it in him. He's not the prototypical New NHL goalie. He'll get a chance this fall to prove that he is a NHL goalie. I agree that we need to look in different places to find the next one. Maybe the next one is the one that makes it over Gillies and MacDonald. The good thing is that we have some good prospects.
  20. Just the wall of text, guy. Three years in college playing on the weekends is not like playing three seasons in the AHL. Not even close. I think he will be a great goalie, but the lost year set him back; he needs at least one (better if two) seasons of solid AHL play.
  21. Thanks for the wall of text. Gillies didn't exactly have a lot of college experience. Three years. Not saying he couldn't be all that and then some.... But. There are a couple of ways to ruin a goalie. One is putting them in a position to fail. If Ortio or Ramo crapped the bed, you have to hope that Gillies is lights out in the AHL. If not, are you really going to call him up? If you don't, then we are exactly the way we are as last year. If you do, then he could lose any confidence he ever had. Realistically, BT is going to get a NHL starter and sign a backup. No more than one will be from last season's mix. Possibly neither, though Ortio is a cheap option. Give him every 3rd game and see if he can win more than 1/2. If not, then go and get a backup. Any other goalie options are prospects.
  22. Sign two goalies with the intent of failing? Um, ok. And you can't buy them out until the end of the season. Stuck with a contract against your 50. If it happened quickly, then Gillies would have about 20 games of AHL experience before going to the NHL. I think that is the exact opposite of the way Murray was developed.
  23. Ramo/Ortio would be a mistake. If either craps the bed, we can't bring in Gillies. That would be the worst possible development of a player possible. So would bringing a goalie right out of the KHL into the NHL. As well we are stuck with Ramo's or Ortio's contract. The big problem I have with your solution isn't with obtaining the KHL goalie; it's that Ramo/Ortio is just a continuation of the bad goaltending we had last season. You instill zero confidence in your team in front. They will play scared. Maybe Ortio can come out of the gate on fire, but that's not what we've seen in the past. If Ortio gets a bunch of starts in October, I think you see a win one/lose one streak. That's what he did at the end of the season when he was at his best. 7-7-4 over the final 18 games.
  24. That's all well and good, but you stated before that the Flames development system for goalies sucked. I doubt he would be ready this year for the NHL, so he would have to go to the AHL. Assuming you could land him, you would need to pay him what he is making in the KHL or wait till the 2018/19 season. By that point Gillies could be the NHL starter here, or just ready to be one.
  25. The reality is that in 2 years, we will only have the following signed: Johnny Monahan Bennett Gio Brodie Hamilton Frolik Our best prospects will be in or signing their 2nd deals. There is little chance any of the core has to be moved out. If our top prospects are earning $6m 2nd contracts, then we have a good problem and depth. Considering that Brodie signed a value contract, I doubt any defenders get that much in 2 years. Teams needing to fill out their rosters with value players is nothing unique to the Flames. You strive to have the best players on your team and only deal away the ones that help you maintain that top team or the ones that don't work out. We have quite a bit of flexibility to ensure we build and maintain a top team. This season is the real issue, but can be fixed.
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