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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Instead of answering the questions posed, you are complaining about the way they are asked. Just back up the statements you make or answer the questions posed to you and nobody will have a problem. People may or may not agree, but so what. It's all opinions. I make statements of opinions then back them up if asked. You don't want to back them up or answer the question, then fine. Moving on.
  2. Why are you so bent about the questions? This is a discussion about players and usage. You were making what sounded like an informed opinion based on watching a player in all situations. Instead, you decide to turn it into a "I know best because I know best" type of retort. No need to get into a snit if somebody ask you a question. If your feelings are hurt from an exchange of ideas, then perhaps you should find something else to do.
  3. Here's the big question for you. How often do you watch him play? Just against Calgary or other games? I ask that because you seem to have a sense of the players he lnes up with or the usage he gets. If you said more than 10 games I would be impressed. If you believe, like me, that Bennett will be an exceptional center in this league, why would you ever consider moving him to the wing. Would love to have him on my team, but not at the cost of JH. Gio maybe. Imagine a 1st line of JH-Monahan-MacKinnon or JH-Bennett-MacKinnon. Absolutely deadly.
  4. I wasn't saying I would trade him. I was trying to understand the logic of trading for him. I wouldn't move Bennett to wing, so MacKinnon would need to or Monahan. I just don't see that trade makng us better, which is the only reason why you make the deal.
  5. Interesting thought. What exactly is MacKinnon. Is he a #1C, a secondary scoring center or a power forward? Why has he struggled at times scoring? Why has Monahan had more success? I have this feeling that Bennett will become a top line C possibly as soon as this year.
  6. Different players, different impact. MacKinnon's stats line up closer to Monahan. Duchene is probably a closer comparable for impact. And that's after how many years in the league? MacKinnon has not beat JH in goals or points over the last three year. JH tops out at 0.88 p/gp, while MacKinnon is 0.70 p/gp.
  7. And wasn't he part of the decision making for Phoenix? I like what we have gotten in the last few drafts, apart from from a few question marks. Bennett was the best available in the top 10 except for Ekblad, but for a different reason. Mony is killing it every year. Tkachuk is a new pain in the butt, maybe in the same vein as Iggy. Not in the pure skill area, but in the feistyness area. Hammy is like a 1st rounder ready to play. Parsons looks like the real deal already. Some of the other picks this year are quite good; Dube, Tuulola. Phillips could be a steal. Just get the JH guy signed. I hear he is pretty good at hockey.
  8. It seems too obvious to argue about it. Johnson was better than most backup goalies in the NHL last year and we need one. Rittich could steal the job from Gillies, but he wasn't brought here to be the guy. If he doesn't know that, then he should find out soon enough. It's not like a long list of teams were talking to him.
  9. The goaltending development depends a lot on the goalies themselves. Gillies will get tons of ice this season. Parsons will go back to junior. Johnson played 1/2 a season, so he is there in case we want to limit Elliott to less than 60. Who else were we going to use? Rittich was signed to have a backup for Gillies. You don't want to have your current #2 goalie prospect turning pro to be a AHL backup do you? McDonald will see plenty of ice in the ECHL. Probably rotates with Rittich to keep fresh as well. It's time to close the book on Ortio's time in the NHL. Too many younger guys coming into the league. Unless he manages to be consistent in Europe for more than a year, you won't see him back.
  10. Then you would agree that we have good prospects and a pair of good NHL goalies going forward.
  11. Yes.....goaltending. I like his positioning and he looked very smooth. Not bad for a guy that hasn't played a game in 11 months. We get a first chance to see Parsons tonight against the Oil Kings. Ooops I mean Pulju and the Kings. Demko got lit up a bit last night, so we have to provide Parsons with some defense against the top line.
  12. According to Bishop, the numbers that were reported were not even close to reality.
  13. Perhaps we can lay some of the blame on an area that was a huge factor. Goaltending. And, no, it isn't Calgary's failure to develop NHL goaltending that caused the mess. Want an easy goal? Take a shot from the top of the circle high. Bang, in the net. Or take a quick shot after a faceoff win. Hiller should already be on his knees. Goals against tends to be a team stats, while SA% is square on the goalie. Worst in the league.
  14. What I had read was that Bishop was in discussions and was surprised that they went a different direction. He also said that the report of want 7x7 was a farce. The tipping point seems to have been Stevie Y wanting too much.
  15. Hey, we could have traded for Andersson (he's injured now) and been closer to your ideal age. Anaheim had a say in that deal though. Pittsburg wasn't going to trade Murray and TBL wasn't going to trade Vasilevskiy. We could opt to bring in these young studs that you keep alluding to and wait for them to become stars. Or we could bring in a quality player. Even when you are happy, you aren't happy because we haven't met your specs. Irving and Ortio are busts. Maybe they would have become something elsewhere or in different circumstances on the Flames. But they didn't. Elliott developed into a good goalie over the years and now we have him. Hiller was the 3rd goalie on a team and lost his spot due to his declining play. He managed a good start in his first year here, but he was never going to be the guy.
  16. Ya, that's sort of what I was alluding to. You could have the occasional game with Spoon sitting out, or play one forward less.
  17. I don't think Wideman should play with Gio, due to the fact that Gio and Brodie face the best of the other teams. Offensively, it may make sense to do that for Wideman, but defensively Gio would need to cover for Wideman's lack of defense. Brodie could possibly do it, but does that make sense? As much as Wideman is due for a bounceback year, he isn't in the long-term plans and he isn't great defensively. Would it not be better to play him with Wotherspoon on the 3rd pair? You could alternate Engelland, Spoon and Wideman to form that 3rd pair, and at least you developing a long-term player.
  18. So how long do you figure Elliott can play at this level? Last 4 years have been about the same. Not over the hill like some goalies. More miles left than MAF. You think it would be unreasonable to suggest that he has another 4 years of really good tending left? As far as defense goes..... Brodie and Gio are (so far, knock on wood) healthy to start the season. Hamilton looked much better in the 2nd half. Unsustainable defensive system will be replaced. Russell is gone. Wideman will either be performing better or ride the pine (I can only hope). Yokipakka looks like he could be a reasonable #4D. I doubt you see Smid play another regular season game here. So, it won't just be a better goalie coming in, it will be a combo of things. You can't win the cup without really good goaltending. By the same toiken, you can't win the cup with just great goaltending. A great goalie can make an average defense look good, but you still need to score. So, we upgraded the defense by parting with Russell. Improving the bottom pairing is another thing to tackle. We upgraded the starter and backup. We added a good player that will help create space. We will be changing from a defensive system that relied on blocking shots. At least now we have the luxury of developing Gillies as long as he needs. Have some backup plans in MacDonald and Parsons. We don't need to bring Gillies in next season as a backup.
  19. At least Francis isn't saying too much about Johnny right now. If he did, he would be saying things like "miles apart", "wants to play in the East after this contract", etc. He should be nicknamed Click-bait.
  20. I think it's a pretty low-risk move, even if they re-signed him before he played a single game. He's elite. Had Tarasenko actually been able to score against SJS, they might have made some noise.
  21. There are no guarantees for anything. Johnson has never been a starter. He took on that role in Buffalo (actually a 1a) due to injury issues to their real #1. He's 30 this year, so he's not going to get a lot of other offers unless he goes UFA. The Flames will most likely have to sign him to be able to expose him to the draft. He won't likely get claimed; there are too many other goalies out there. The Flames could trade for a goalie with another year remaining to satisfy the requirement, I suppose. Elliott is looking for a team that believes in him. He will sign an extension if he is able to have a decent season. If both goalies play well, the Flames will re-sign both. Elliott will want more, but isn't going to get over $6m. Johnson will be similar to what he got before. That is reasonable expense for a tandem. You can't really say that Ortio was burning up the AHL, so he wasn't a NHL goalie being developed. We chose MacDonald over Demko - no proof either will be a NHL goalie. Did I miss a bunch of NHL-capable goalies on the market? Murray and Vasilevskiy weren't available to us. Murray won Pitts the cup, but MAF got them to the playoffs. Bishop got TBL to the playoffs and the start of playoffs. Had Bishop been healthy, we may not be talking about Pitts being the powerhouse with elite goaltending. Who was the best goalie in regular season and playoffs combined? Wasn't Murray, unless you talk about wins in the playoffs. So, a competant goalie with above average regular season stats can be the guy that brings the cup to a city.
  22. The giving up on developing NHL goalies is just opinion. They gave up on a goalie. Wasted effort up to this point on him, but they must have some solid evidence that he was never going to be the one. They hit reset on that, and are starting in the AHL and other. Murray is Gillies in a year or two, and have a few more horses waiting the corral.
  23. If you are not being sarcastic, then I agree. Enroth was a value pickup, but I think we have the better player. If you can put up a winning record and good stats on a team like Buffalo, then you are doing something right.
  24. Johnson has shown that he can take on the reins of a #1. Elliott has shown that as well, even if he hasn't gottent the workload to 100% convince people. Given the compressed season, there is a high likelyhood that the split is 52/30 for Elliott and Johnson. Looking forward to seeing what capable goalies can do for this team.
  25. That is right. He was tired of being 1b everytime they had another goalie in the system. Halak, Allen, even Miller. Tampa and Pitts were both looking to move a vet goalie because of the expansion. Their asking price was too rich or the re-signing discussions were over budget for CGY.
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