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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. One thing we debated here in the early season was Elliott's pads. He went with bright red. Then one day he went to all white. While it doesn't explain his struggles in the last 5 games and the playoff, an argument could be made that his SA% improved when he made the switch. Red Pads 10/12-11/28/16 Games Started Record Goals Allowed Saves Save % 13 3-9-1 43 330 .882 White Pads 12/19/16-3/1/17 Games Started Record Goals Allowed Saves Save % 17 12-4-1 55 474 .889 The save percentage didn't change much, but the win ratio did. If you look a little closer, you see some familiar games that were blowouts. The majority ere good to really good. Coincidence or effect. Your choice.
  2. I know its a serious issue. I thought you guys were being funny, like in the LA thread. Every post after Cowtownguy's reference to Weed Tax had a key word in it.
  3. ^^^ Maybe they did see something, but with STL, they had Allen ready for full time. And yet they still went with Elliott in the playoffs for all but one game. I think there is some blame they placed on him for losing to the Sharks, which may be part of the reason why they traded him.
  4. ^^^ Buds, hit, green, roll, joint, smokescrean... Are you guys talking about the cleanup or the Pot Legalization.
  5. I agree mostly. Of the two, Elliott should be the priority. CJ was good for one run this year. He fell off completely in December, and never recovered. If they chose to only bring back one, then it has to be Elliott. They still need a 1a/1b type to push Elliott and be there if he stumbles. I would be more comfortable signing Darling and Elliott, than most of the other possible scenarios. I think BT needs to take some of the blame for the season and not throw the goalie under the bus.
  6. Too true. Elliott has always played 2nd fiddle, rightly or not. There was talk of re-signing him in October, then that stopped. He was the savior of the season, until he wasn't. When was the last time we actually re-signed a goalie? Place a little of the blame on the things that were here prior to Elliott coming here. Struggling d-pairings at times. Excessive penalties. Passive d-zone play. Trouble clearing the puck. Bad PK. As for re-signing him, it would be a good show of faith in a player. Maybe it helps him, instead of looking to the backup.
  7. I'm not going to argue who cost them particular games, because it was a collapse of several things. Untimely penalties, weak goals (not all), deflections, etc. all contributed. I would be fine with Elliott in a 1b role. If he is able to earn his way to be the 1a gut, then fine. You have the option in the playoffs to go with the hot goalie. Elliott was not strong to finish the season. Should have had more than him ready to start the series.
  8. I don't know if you consider the goalie coach as "hockey ops", but I would like to see them move him to a different role. I don't think his results in the last few season has been anything close to success. Two goalies with career good numbers and they fall off a cliff. Hard to image that all our goalie woes are the result of the goalies themselves. Move him to a different role if you want to keep him.
  9. Anaheim had a bad start to a game and we score 4 goals on their #1. They have the option of pulling the goalie and letting him reset. Bernier closed the Flames down. Elliott lets in two bad goals in game 2 and we have no option. No chance to reset. No chance for the backup to steal the game. Game 3 was not all on Elliott. We had control of the game and went into a shell. Failed to score on the replacement goalie. Allowed Anaheim, to build momentum. Allowed Anaheim to get a tying goal. If they were so worried about Elliott letting in another stinker, they sure didn't help him out on the scoresheet.
  10. If the team looks at Elliott as being the reason they lost the series, they have other problems. Perhaps the team blames Bouma for the bad penalty or the deflected goal. Or for Dougie and Brodie taking weak penalties. Or Bart for being on the ice for 5 even strength goals against more than goals for. Or blame the coach for the matchups he purposely sought (Getzlaf vs Monahan). As much as I think that Elliott didn't have good games in the playoffs, there was no faith in CJ being able to come in. After game 2, the coach should have made a change.
  11. Not worried about Mangiapane yet. Just his first year. Rittich was signed for his experience and maybe a bit of a hail Mary. I have a bit of faith in the "kid"
  12. ^^^^^^ I think you have to give the net to Rittich. He has been the better of the two for the season. As much as it's a development league, you have to give the net to the better goalie. 6 goals against in two games is too many. How has Mangiapane looked? I think he plays with Vey at evens, but with Janko on the PP.
  13. SInce you represent those other two teams, I will have to ask you to recluse yourself from the negotiations. I would give Elliott a bit more for one year. I think he has earned at least some opportunity to play here again, playoffs aside.
  14. Ok, then please start the paperwork. We could get him signed now and actually have a goalie to protect in the draft. Obviously, we would need to speak to his agent to gauge the interest and have some idea of the cost. Much like we did with Bishop. Many may not agree, but we should also re-sign Elliott July 1st. I think Darling is the real deal, but he may not be ready for 60 games this coming season. Elliott gives you usually 30+ games of quality starts. I think it may be time for them to move on, regardless of what is "right". Maybe the team would be better served having him in the front office.
  15. Hadn't heard there was interest from the Jets. 4 seems high, but that's just because he's not currently a starter. I wasn't lowballing; just don't know the value. If he was a signed goalie, he would fetch what Talbot and Jones fetched. Since he isn't, LV could select him for nothing but the use of the pick. I would trade our 1st this year if he was signed.
  16. I'm missing something. You talk about him like he is Jet. I thought he was Chicago's. The limb is for the players. I have no idea of the dollars that male sense. Goalies are voodoo.
  17. I am going to go out on a limb here. I hope they re-sign Elliott and pick up a future starter like Darling. I may be wrong, but waiting to July 1st means we don't owe STL anything. If so, I would wait till then. He wants to come back, and there won't be a lineup at his door. I have no interest in CJ. He was fine when we needed him in November/December, but after that was barely NHL level. Trade for Darling rights; no more than a B prospect. Sign for $900k. Crawford has a NMC, they they are stuck with him, unless they trade for a similar starter. Sign Elliott as a UFA; no more than $3.5-4m.
  18. As much as I like Bishop, I felt the same way about Elliott. Could be a star on this team or another slow starter. Either goalie could be steller next year or could be terrible. I would hate to pick up Bishop and he has a bad season. I don't think we know yet if Gillies is NHL ready. He was for one game. I would like to see him play 40+ games in the AHL next season before I decide. So that leaves MAF, who I am not a big fan of. That leaves some backup that has starter potential. Risky, but if you get a good one, the worst you get is a good backup. Doesn't guarantee to fix the problem, but also doesn't tie you to $6m per.
  19. The Brouwer signing was bad, but nowhere near the other ones that were paid a lot more for a lot longer. So, it was a less-bad signing. I was never sure of the reason for bringing in a RW that not good enough to play on a top line, though. Chaisson's trade I understand. Versteeg's signing was brilliant. Brouwer's first year is probably like Elliott's and Hamilton's first ones. They didn't adapt well to the style of the team or the guys they got paired with. A goalie that goes from a league leader in EV% to the bottom. A usual standout in March and April humbled. Brouwer was typically a 30-40 point guy, but achieved very little. Maybe he is in a serious decline in his skills, but it seemed like he struggled with his linemates or the systems.
  20. Season over, ATO. Now we have 5 there unless they release the kid and send back MAcdonald. What's your feel of Darling? UFA this summer, perhaps we could trade for his rights (conditional of course).
  21. I am not a soothsayer, but I find it funny that Gully decided to sit Bouma and Stajan. I like the energy of Lazar and Freddie. It's not like the 4th line will be that meaningful, but I do like the pressure that they can bring. I think it's less on Stajan, but the two have been invisible mostly. Bouma has lost a step and Stajan is getting run over every shift. As for Gillies, I think they are just taking advantage of the break and getting him into some Flames-led practices.
  22. Maybe they should sit Bouma and Stajan. After all, Bouma took the penalty that caused the GWG in game 1. He deflected the GWG in game 2. Perhaps they should sit Dougie. His 3 penalty performance set up the loss in game 1. Or JH for not shooting point blank in two games. (sarcasm off) I like Gillies, but he is getting ready for the AHL playoffs. He will get the majority of starts, if not all. Why put him in a situation where he would be trashed by fans for being garbage after a loss. The team has made far more mistakes than Elliott did. EDIT - Funny, but Gillies is working a little extra with the Flames goalie coach. That is weird, considering I thought he was with the Heat, not in Calgary. Maybe they are getting him ready to face the Ducks in Anaheim. That would be something they wouldn't expect.
  23. When was the last time CJ has looked good? Feb.24th against the Panthers? Two games earlier against the Pengies? Perhaps they should look past goaltending for the answer.
  24. Game 2 - 2 bad ones, 3 scored in total. Game 3 - 2 bad ones, 5 in total. I think we both agree that he can't continue to do that in the playoffs, but I also don't think he was the reason we lost. 4/8 goals in two games were bad bounces or deflections. Maybe Talbot or Bernier stops them, or maybe not.
  25. Subtract the Bouma deflection in game 2, the deflection by Bennett/Perry, the high stick, and the bounce off Stone's butt. Does that change anything? Two bad goals in each of two games, where we scored 2 and 4 respectively. Saying that, I don't what they do about goaltending come the summer. Signing Elliott will cost them a 3rd. Bishop will cost north of $6m for years to come. Some younger guys out there that we would need to trade for prior to the Expansion draft, just to get them for a reasonable price. Are we likely to find a gem like Talbot or Jones? CJ is not the answer.
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