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Posts posted by Da4RealDeal

  1. I see Reimer as under rated do to the sh!! team he comes from. (excuse my opinion)


    He was much better at the end of the season for the Sharks.


    I believe if you put our D in front of him and a team that back checks, he becomes a whole different man behind the mask.


    If we could sign him to a $3.5m for 3yrs I would be happy. He is at the least as good as Ramo and then some. Still young with room to improve in with a new group of guys without having the TO media beating him down and Gillies gets the time he needs.

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  2. I have to disagree with somethings, Russell's replacement is a huge improvement. He plays way more physical, and most of all doesn't allow the other team to take as many shots as Russell. He is way cheaper and still has room for improvement. 


    There were many times last year the CH split lines up once they had one game without scoring. He played the wrong goalie so often like he was trying to lose. 


    There are a few guys we will not see back but I belie they will keep Colburne.


    I don't think losing BH is going to hurt us at all. I welcome the change. 

  3. Once again you show your true nature. As for me I have been in this world for a while now and hardly think I am naïve about much. Obviously I don't share your proposed treatment of people ( I hope you are not this way on the streets). BTW you used the word "hate" not me. Keeping players around like Bollig or Raymond are not causing this team to lose or win and there has to be a few spares around. I would rather it be them than another player who could be developing in AAA for us. Whether Hiller sees the ice again doesn't matter, let him finish out his contract and walk away.

    I am sorry but I have to disagree. This is a sport that we all love, but it is also a business. Just because you have feelings does not mean we should allow a goalie to sit on the bench and collect a pay check all because waiving him is mean. This team is rebuilding and when you find yourself outside of the playoffs looking in evaluating players that are about to become FA must be done.


    I have to say I believe you to be wrong when it comes to Bollig and Raymond not costing us games. Bollig chooses the worst time to stick up for guys, he has taken bad penalties and if he was not a liability he would have played alot more games. Raymond turned over the puck alot, had very poor puck possesion and would not battle in the corner for a single puck. If they did not cost us games tell me how they helped us win one game.

  4. I have given my suggestions at times and have recently thought about what it would really take to get certain changes down to improve right now. I am starting to think that the price it would cost us to TRY to be competitive right now is to high and there is no quick fix at this point.


     A rebuild is like a remodeling of your home, along the way certain things become more important to you and other things are just things that have to come first.


    I say get the net situation taken care of first. Allow the new goalies whom every they maybe get some playing time while we sort out our cupboards and try to fill some existing holes from within first. I say this for two reasons, asset management and cost savings.  If we are able to create a balance of third and fourth line players from within that gives us room to spend on the top line RWer we all know we need.


     If BT is to move out Hudler, Russell, Jones, and maybe a few other pieces that may not be part of the future of this team even if that is a few players we have yet to evaluate at the NHL level the return could work out to be a large number of draft picks added to this years draft and by doing so give the rebuild a new younger face lift.


    I understand that a few position on this team are taken up by players we would all like to see go, and justly so, but there is still the off season and buy outs. By the looks of thing I predict 2 D spots opening up next year with Russell gone and Smid bought out. As for up front Hudler gets a second+, Jones may get a smaller contract but we would be better served with a third which also frees up a roster spot on the third. Raymond either gets moved with a small salary retention or a buy out, but I think we can all agree we have a few better options that are less of a defensive liability.


    In goal I don't see either Hiller or Ramo getting even a offer from this team due to poor play and the games lost due to injury. I hope they can put the right offer together for Anderson and even play Poulin as the number two. 


    A possible starting roster on opening day, keep in mind there will be some revolving doors at the forward positions while we evaluate certain players.













  5. For any person who watches him play to even have a different opinion is just wrong. Brodie has been the best D man on our team up to this point this year.  Brodie completely changes the pace of the team when he is on the ice just like Johnny does.

  6. I say if we can get him do it. He may be better than Hiller for the rest of the season, I can't see him be much worse, and who knows he may end up being a good back-up for the future #1 we pick-up this off season.

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