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cfreining last won the day on December 28 2019

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nurenberg Germany
  • Interests
    Flames, Roadbike, Hockey, Everquest

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  1. So now..... I have to get ready for work... at least I am amped for the day... Since I am in homeoffice, I only can virtually check a colleague in a video call 😅
  2. 15 wins to go 🙂 I would love to see the flames only needing 16 games though...
  3. They probably did put that rule in place after the Fames Canucks line brawl 😀
  4. Yeah..... I am most likely watching with my smartphone making it difficult to follow the game and the boards the same time... getting old.... getting up at 4am seems no longer as easy as it was 🙂 Cheers 🍻
  5. Good Morning Calgary! What a great first period and what an end to the period... Go Fames Go!!!
  6. Even if the game is close, I really like what I am seeing so far
  7. WHAT..... how often have we missed now the open net?
  8. I love what I am seeing and the Toffoli trade. Sadly I am not able to watch every game as in the past, but my smartphone is my best friend 😊
  9. So..... now I am set to watch the rest of the game :-) Good Morning Calgary! Thank you RD for the GDT. Let's Rock and Roll the Kraken!
  10. Who was talking about how good the Flames play when I am on? $#!%
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