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A New Hope



Hello all my loyal Billy blogers out there! I know how you are all doing so I won't even bother asking. The Flame nation is a buzz with the news that Cammy is back with the Flames. Yes it was only a week ago that the "fit hit the shan" around here and everyone was looking for the life boats. I like to think I was one of the dudes playing some awesome music for all of us as we die but I too was cashing out on this season. To be honest this season is still taking on water but a strong home record and the good news that we got yesterday has seemed in this Flames fan's eyes anyway that we might be on our way to righting this ship after all.

Some of you might think that being this positive about a trade this early is a little foolhardy but I have seen the impact that positivity does to any group and the positivity I know Cammy has about playing for this city is damn infectious. This guy never wanted to go and was making every effort to come back and the only reason Sutter didn't bring him back was because of his size. Cammy is a small guy but has a huge heart for this game and to pass on a guy because of his size is just stupid. We have all seen what impact small speedy players have on this game and especially now in this new NHL.

Cammy attitude was always good even when he was mad. Like the comments he made about his old team. He saw something going on he didn't like and he spoke up about it. Not to be a jerk but to expose and state a problem so they could deal with it and move on. I believe if Cammy was still a Hab, in about ten games they would have been in a better place because he has the nuts to speak up about the issue. They could have moved on because it was put out there instead of being keeping quiet. Fortunately for us that storyline will never happen like that and he is here to help us write our epic story of how this Flames team made it to the playoffs.

I have no doubt that Cammy is going to bring up the locker room and will have an immediate impact on this team moving forward. Am I saying he is going to come here and score 20 goals? No but he will bring a fresh breeze into a room that hasn't been there for a long time. Something this team needs. CAMMY IS BACK PEEPS!!! Time to start a new day, turn the page, start over all the epic cliché's you can think of all in one, time to get er done!!! Until next time peeps I will catch you all on the flipside.


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